ws x MEMO FROM Yoward Simons qT J. LEDERBERG RC GENETICS DEPARTMENT ' RO STANFORD UNIVERSITY STANFORD, CALIFORNIA SAM 220 / 19/22/79 Outlook Nerewith a longish piece on arms control, My pieces have been setting loneer, hut they have also been on hivcer subjects. I promise to retrench in future, Cf course, my first wish is that you take this intact, and T send it this early to Bive ym the most time to piece it in, T have alse marked the sections that could be extracted, and still do the least violence to the main themes of the piece. TI think they all have sonething interesting to say, and they are important for continuity; but if much has to Le taken out, I styrest you fol- low the lines of copy CC. But would you then also use some typographical mark, like eee K to indicate the breaks. Maybe even also a title like "exceppts from a Scientist's note- book." The article does not follow certain contem- porary nytholosvies about arms control -- Cog. MOVERKILL"™ ~- and is quite critical of others; Lut it is a soft sell, Diek Garin is responsible for reviving the Satlarid/iined Cities ANXANTKEWKNT; but I idn't feel rieht about attributing to an une lished Pugwash paper. KRE RSS XXANXRYRXKNEHE Jo call me hefore overkilling the article,