1.000: 1.601 1.602: 1.004; 1.C06: 1.008 4.010 1.012 1.614 1.016 1.618 1.620 1.022 1.G24 A.C26 1.0286 1.030 1.032 1.034 1.036 1.638 1.c40 1.042 1.044 1.C4E 1.G48 1.650 1.652 1.654 1.656 1.058 1.060 1.062 1.C64 1.G66 1.068 1.070 1.072 1074 1.676 1.078 1.080 1.082 1.084 1.C8&6 1.088 1.090 1.092 1.094 1.096 1.098 1.100 1.102 1.104 cwll: PROBLESS CF ARMS CCNTRCL AND CISARFMAMENT (138A) Lecture &IX (Lederkerg): “Emergent issues in args certrol: Chemical and kiological weapons: I" The more basic facts about chemical warfare and its control would be easy to summarize in one hour. Having twe weans tying together a very large number of locse ends that have not yet been successfully tied together in policy or in policy formulation; and I am not sure I']]1 do a very much better job in sy exposition of them to you, For sore more or less logical divisicn of the subject I'm going to divide the problea of the control of chemical weaponry (CW) intc (a) the core questions: of the lethal agents that might begin to ccmpete with nuclear weaponry in a very serious escalation of the level cf fatalities in armed conflict between nations, and (bf) cther aspects of Ch like tear gas and herbicides. These questions are politically and in puklic fsychology very much interwoven, and I must say, often hightly confused. For example, senator Young on the floor of the Senate made a speech a few months ago in which he referred to the accumulation of stocks of nerve gas ty the Department of Defense, intended for use in riot control in this ccuntry. What an ugly, preposterous allegation that would te! He was pessikly thinking of tear gas and possibly thought there was not such difference between the two. we need a level of precision in discussing chemicals which is hard tc manage with a scientifically unsophisticated audience, such as the Congress of the United States. It may be scmewhat easier in this particular group. The closer you are to high school, protably the better lettered you will be with respect to some cf these technical ccncepts. The use of poisons in human hostility has an unmeasured antiquity. The Bible doubtless refers to poisoning cf wells and other pestilences. Thucydides reccrds the use of the fumes that can ke generated ty burning pitch plus sulphur dating tack to at least the Sth century £.C. Many so-called primitive cultures have discovered very sophisticated chemical weapons in the form of herk poisons. Sore cf them have keccme quite important in sedicine. (Curare, for example, is a South American arrow poison which has been used toth for hunting game and for armed conflict. It is as potent a chemical weapon as one would care to have. However, it must be introduced into the circulation by Ltreaking the skin which is the main reason it does not appear in the armamentarium of the United States Army at the present time. Its equivalent in modern technclogy is nerve gas.) However, with the development of the national military state engaged in total warfare, since the Napoleonic era, the rules of war became crystallized arcund the customs of the 19th century. There was very little use of chemical weaponry, except incidentally for smokes and so on, during that time. Not until the large-scale use of chlorine cn the Western Front by the Germans in 1915 did chemical warfare again appear cn a large scale. the Germans started with chlorine gas which was disseminated from cylinders ~~ gas tanks --~ that were krought to the front. They waited several weeks from the time of their original deployment until the weather and the wind were appropriate for their use and then they let lose at 5 p.m. cn April 22, 1915. At that time they liberated 180 tons of chlorine frcem 6,600 cylinders. Curing that period of time there was Flenty cf prior intelligence. The French were well aware that something was afcct Eut they made no use of the information and the initial attack was in fact quite 2.000; 2.002 2.c04 2.006 2.008 2.010 2.0142 2.074 2.016 2.018 2.620 2.022 20024 2.026 122028 2.030 2.632 2.034 2.36 2.38 2.040 2.042 2.044 2.C46 2-048 2-650 22652 22054 2.056 2.058 2-C60 2.062 2.064 2.666 2.068 2.070 2-072 2.674 2.076 2.678 2.080 2.082 2.084 2.086 2.088 2.090 2-092 2.094 2.096 2.098 2.100 2.102 2-104 2.106 Lederberg lecture XIX Chemical Warfare -2- devastating. However, its effectiveness went beyond what the German Army strategic planners had expected. They did not know how to exploit this fora of attack; and they did not really capitalize on it in any very useful way. They did try again once or twice in much the same fashion, ktut in spite of a large number of casualties and in Spite of a very consideratle psychological impact and disarray of the troops against which it was used, it was not properly followed up from the point cf view of an important Bilitary advantage. However, starting from that time, World War I was the scene of a very considerable escalation of chemical warfare on koth Sides, an astcnishingly sharp and rapid buildup of a technology race involving koth offense and defense. The identification of the agents used by the eneay, the development of gas masks and the development of a doctrine for their effective use for defensive purposes, the search for agents that would penetrate the then known gas masks -- all of this was gcing onon both Sides. By the end of the war, gas munitions came to occupy 5% cf the total artillery that was expended during World War I. The difficulties of using cylinders of gas that then blew downwind toward the enemy has obvious disadvantages; scon thereafter the French played a major role in finding ways of including chemical agents into artillery shells and this very rapidly became the main vehicle for exchanging these materials. Altogether, (according to the account which is summarized in the volume of the Stockholm Institute for Peace Research which is cn reserve) 113,000 tons of chemical agents were used in World War T. They resulted in 1.3 million casualties. These were approximately 5% of the total casualties in World War I. However, there were only $1,C00 deaths attributed to gas warfare as compared to a total of akout 5 millicn of the total] military casualties in World War I. Gas warfare was then very effective in disatling trcoops in proportion to the level cf effort that was expected in delivering chemical munitions. It also resulted in a substantially lower fatality rate than did the other weapons during the war. However, the use of these weapons was still escalating in 1918 and it is impossible to predict what the further outcome would have keen. The original gases that were used were chlorine and phosgene. The French introduced tear gas on a small scale and this tecame very prevalent on both sides in artillery shells. Tear gas is a tempecrarily disabling agent which provokes mostly a psychological incapacity. The main function disrupted ky tear gas is visicn due to the preduction cf tears and the irritation of the cornea. There are secondary effects cn lung functions, and in very large amounts any of these agents can be fatal. fut under the usual conditions of military exposure they are not intended to te and they only very rarely were. Chlorine is a lung irritant in its functions. It is a much more serious agent from the point of view of fotential fatalities. It can cause lung edema and pneumonia and long lasting disability with lung itritation and did in a number of cases. It was not cften lethal in proportion to the number of disabilities that it caused, tut often enough. There was a very limited use of ancient poisons like hydrogen cyanide (or prussic acid) or cyanogen chloride. These are very poisonous agents in the context of the chemical laboratory but in the open field they are difficult to handle. Mostly they are rather light and volatile and they drift away very promptly from the area of applicaticn and they were not used extensively. Then adamsite and mustard gas were introduced later into 3.C00; 3.002 3.C04 3. G06 3.08 3.610 3.012 3.014 3.016 4.G18 3.420 3.022 3.G24 3.026 3.428 3.630 3.032 3.034 3.036 3.638 3.640 3.042 3.4044 3.046 3.C48 3.050 3.652 3.654 3.056 3.658 3.060 3.€62 3.064 3.C66 3.C648 3.070 3.072 3.074 3.076 3.078 3.080 3.082 3.084 3.086 3.C88 3.090 3.0692 3.094 3.096 3.098 3.100 3.102 3. 104 3.106 Lederberg lecture XIX Chemical Warfare -3- the war. Adamsite was another harrasing agent prokably rcre serious than tear gas and mustard is a very serious weapon by every count. It is described as a vesicant, that is to say it causes tlistering on the skin. when inhaled it can cause internal blistering in the lungs and we now know -~ it was not known at that time -- its action on cells is very similar to that of YX-radiation. It does cause profound cell damage through the Lreakage of chromosomes at a very fundamental level in cell physiclogy. It is an extremely unpleasant agent with very long lasting effects. t#ustard gas wounds often took years to heal properly. They protably account for a significart part of the total casualties in World War I; and the use of mustard was kecoming more and more prevalent by 1918. However, with all that, chemical warfare was not of any particular strategic significance during the war. [I do not think it influenced the outcome ky one whit in any way. There was not the level of commitment ot it aS a weapon that could have been expected tc have that outcoge. [It undoubtedly had a very important psychological effect, particularly on civilian populations, and this may have keen its major perceived utility. That is tc say that the threat of chemical warfare attack would require the adversary to invest a good deal in his cwn ccunter measures, issuing gas masks to the population. Any air alarm had to also involve the disruption that is connected with maintaining defenses against gas attacks and so forth. And those say have been among the major costs. However, as you know, aerial btomtardment did not reach any very sophisticated level during world War I. Civilian populations were only incidentally involved and then mostly as a byproduct of infantry and artillary moverent. The concept of strategic bombardment of cities had not yet been refined. Much of the further history of efforts at chemical warfare control is connected with the fact that the Allies won the war. The use of poisen gas by the Germans became an important part ef the ccncept cf German Schrecklichkeit (horror and atrocity) in the conduct of war. The treaty of Versailles, unilaterally imposed on the Central Powers, made a specific, rather moralistic statement that, poison gas having keen condemned ty the civilized world, the Central Powers were bound never again to undertake the production cf or use of these agents. Il will come back to that again because the language of the Versailles Treaty was eventually incorporated without much fucther thought into the language of the Geneva Protccol a little later on. In the volume of hearings for the House Committee on Foreigr Affairs, there is an excellent summary ky Professor Eunn of the University of wisconsin on the history of the Geneva Frotocol and cther arses control efforts. He quotes many of the relevant texts. The Versailles Treaty included the provision that "the use of asphyxiating poeiscncus or other gases and of analogous liquids and materials or devices teing prohibited, their manutacture and importation are strictly ferbidden in Germany." This text was not in any real sense negotiated. It was language that was put together with a very large nuster of other provisions intended to hamper any possibility of German rearmament after World War I. There was no cone capable of protesting, analyzing, trying to understand the implications, trying to dissect the draftmanship of the language when these phrases were put together. Had there been, one might have expected to see sore "legislative history" connected to the language. Consider “the use of asphyxiatiny, poisonous or other gases and of analoyous liquids, materials 4.C003; &.C02 4.C04 4. 006 4.C08 4.610 4,012 4,014 4.016 C18 - 020 4.u22 4,024 4.026 4.028 4.630 4.032 4.u34 4.036 4.638 4.c4ug 4,42 GLU4Y4 4.046 4.c4us 4.650 4.052 4.054 4.056 4.058 4.C60 4.G62 4.064 4.G66 4,068 4.c7O 4.072 4.074 4.076 4.078 4.080 4.082 4.084 u.C8E 4.088 4.090 4.092 4.094 4.096 4.098 4. 100 4.102 4.4104 4.106 Lederberg lecture XIX Chemical Warfare ~4~- or devices." No one really knows what those words mean. They are a kind of general, moral peohibition against doing anything naughty; but a defeated power has ne possibility of complaint. The matter was net carefully analyzed at that time. in 1922 as part of the program of attempts at universal disarmament under the yeneral aegis of the League of Nations the conference in Washington proposed a treaty on submarines and on feoxicus gases. The submarines part was an attempt to limit the then -turgeoning arms race among the allied powers and Japan with respect to naval vessels. It alse included language that was evidently drawn vertatim from the Versailles Peace Treaty, “the use in war of asphyxiating, poisonous or other gases and all analogous liquids, materials or devices having reen justly condemned ky the general opinion of the civilized world..." that the parties of the treaty bind themselves to that prohibition. The fact that the Allied powers in World War I had no compunctions about the retaliatory use of these agents and had invested aS much in chemical warfare as the central powers is not directly alluded to. The 1922 treaty was proposed by the United States and the treaty was in fact ratified by the United States including this language. It was repudiated ky France who at that time was urwilliny to liwit itself in the naval arms race. when they refused to sign, it ktecame a nullity ard neither the French nor the United States would then ke further beund by a contract that had failed of consummation, There were further peace conferences during that era. The effort at submarine limitation having been abandoned, the chemical warfare control was extracted from it in further conferences and a treaty that is known historically as the Geneva FEretocol was drafted and formulated in 1925. This picked up the language with respect tc chemical agents that I have just quoted, "tne use of asphyxiating, poisonous or other gases and cf all analogous liquid materials or devices." It also added a new provision on tiolegical weapons. With the advance of the science cf sicrokiclogy, kiological weapons ought to te nipped in the bud. The farties thus disavowed 3B and CW and specifically “agree to te tcund as tetween themselves according to this declaraticn." tThe qualifying phrase is of utmost importance. The protocol was promoted by the Department of State and ty the United States delegation. It was approved ky all cther ccuntries with insignificant exceptions then involved in the negotiaticns. It was then presented to the United States Senate for ratification. It was generally believed that it would te a pro forma matter since the Senate in 1922 had already ratified a treaty that included identical language, and evidently not very much care was taken to clear it with the necessary pecple. Eut this time it ran into very great obstacles. The sources cf cpprosition to the treaty had become crystallized. The United States was teginning to enter intc a much more isolaticnist path. The repudiation cf the League of Nations had already taken place. The further ipplicaticns of this were keginning to be rigidified in United States policy and in the attitudes of the Senate. It ended up that rather than being a pro fcrma matter that would be automatically ratified that the Senate refused to ratify the Geneva Protocol. besides the new isolationism, specific cfposition to the ban on chemical warfare had been mobilized ky the chemical industry, the chemical warfare service; the other hawks, even the Asgerican Chemical 5.000; 5.002 5.004 5.006 5.008 5.€10 5.012 5.014 5.016 5.018 5.020 5.9022 5.624 5.026 5.028 5.030 5.632 5.034 5.036 5.638 5.040 5.G42 5.6044 5.646 5.048 5.050 5.652 5.054 5.C56 5.058 5.060 5.062 5.C64 5.66 5.C68 5.070 5.072 5.074 5.676 5.078 5.C80 5.082 5.084 5.086 5.C84 5.690 5.092 5.094 5.096 5.098 5.100 5.102 5.104 5.106 Lederberg lecture XIX Chemical Warfare ~5- Society, forred a very active lobbying group against the acceptance cf the Frotocol. The principal arguments were that it was only a piece of paper that would be scrapped anyhow in the event cf war, that America was retreating to its own fortress and that it dia net want tc have anything to do with the rest of the world and it woulda not rely on international treaties, it would rely on its own strength and force and not get into any entangling arrangements of any kind. So the Protccol was repudiated ky the U.S. However, enough other countries had Signed it that it entered into force as among those countries who signed. In international law the Protocol has a Status of a contract. The actual language ot the Protocol states that the parties are kound as among themselves, that is to say, if T have joined the treaty, and if you also joined it, then we are co-partners in a mutual multilateral agreerent that we will not use chemical or microbiological methods of warfare against one another. In the treaty is the implicit reservation that it does nct k-ar the use of chemical weaponry against other countries that may have refused to enter the Pretocol. That is in the language of the treaty. Fut in crder to place even further stress on that, France, {among the first of the countries to ratify the Protocol) added a Specific reservaticn that said the same thing all over again, very explicitly. As far as France was concerned the treaty would apply only to those countries who alsc were bound by the conditions of the Protocol; and furthermore, France would not consider that it was commited in respect to any country that troke the treaty or with respect to any country any cf whcese allies ktroke the treaty. This was an explicit reservaticn. This reservation was copied ky many other countries who ratified the treaty... By well estaklished Frinciple of internaticnal law the countries who Signed the treaty after these teservations had keen stated, and did net object, were kound ty the reservaticns. Juridically as well as politically, the Geneva Prctocol is then a promise among parties of the treaty not to use these weapons first. And it explicitly recites the Privilege of using these weapons if somecne else uses them first against you. In fact the Scviet Unicn has taken the official fosition that the Geneva Frotocol is the foundation-stcne of deterrence in the area of chemical weaponry kecause it reiterates the tights and the threat of retaliation in the event that it is violated. the Frotocol is a way of announcing to the world that if anycne uses a chemical weapon, there will be legitimized retaliation with chemical weaponry against such use. The Protocol says nothing about research, developrent, preduction, stockpiles, proliferation, distribution, sales, acquisiticn, or any other aspect of chemical weaponry. It is a contractual limitation on first use. In the context that I have just indicated it is indeed a certain encouragement to saintaining the capability of retaliation and therefore to the development and the Stockpiling of chemical weapons in order to he available as a deterrence. No one has stated that position wore clearly and more unambiguously and perhaps more justifiably than the Scviet Union. Eetweer World Wars I and Il were a few proking incidents in which chemical weapons were protakly applied, although the documentation for this is incomplete. (This is recited in much detail in the SIERI velure.) The most credikle incidents were -- first that the Italian Fascists used chemical weapons, probably mustard, in Ethiopia: some 16,000 out cf the 50,000 Ethiopian casualties during the Akyssinian war derived fron chemical 6.000; 6.002 6.004 6.006 6.008 6.010 6.012 6.0174 6.016 6.0618 6.20 6.022 6.024 6.026 6.628 6.630 6.632 6.034 6.036 6.6034 6.040 6.042 6.C4u4 6.046 6.U48 6.050 6.052 6.054 6.056 6.058 6.660 6.062 6.064 6.066 6.068 6.670 6.072 6.C74 6.076 6.078 6.€80 6.082 6.084 6.086 6.0894 6.090 6.692 6.094 6.096 6.098 6. 100 6.102 6. 104 6.106 Lederberg lecture XIX Chemical Warfare -6- weapons. The Italian position held that this was perfectly correct despite the prohititions of the Geneva Protocol; because it was in retaliation to inhuman methods of warfare, including decapitation that had been practiced by the Atyssinians in that conflict. Furthermore it was nct really a war and therefore the protocol was not designed to te applied to it anyhow! The Significance of CW here is obviously not that it enhanced the capakility of Imperial [Italy to acquire Akyssinia. It was a military field test of particular kind of chemical technology to give military planners in the Italian Army the opportunity to evaluate the significance of Ck. Just as the Spanish Civil War was used to test new air power technology. We also have read many reports of the use of chenical weapons by Japan in the invasion and occupation of China from akout 1932 to 1945, In 1937 a group of chemists in the Nazi regime in Germany discovered nerve gas, tabun, as a byproduct of searches for a chemical festicide. (There is a very close connection ketween the biology and the technology of an important class of insecticides, the organic phosphates, and the nerve gas.) In these experiments, molecules knewn to interfere with the transmission of the nerve impulses are tested for their relative toxicity on insects and on mammals. Insecticide research is, of course, locking for agents that have a very high degree of safety as far aS mangals, livestock and man are concerned. These agents have improved very consideratly since their early introduction; yet there are still fatalities in the agricultural use of the agents designated as insecticides. By accident, tabun was stumbled upon and was found to be at least as toxic to sammals as to insects. This was very highly classified informaticn. Further investigation in Germany then uncovered a series of other related and even more effective agents like sarin and one or two cthers. That started a new generation of CW agents. These were from a military point cf view very much more effective than the others: except that they were lethal, which is not a military advantage. But they acted very quickly, they are insidious, they could work if applied to the skin as well as if they were breathed. If they did not kill they would incapacitate, but not very long. If you are going to die you'll know it within a few minutes; and if you have not received a dose that kills you fairly promptly then you probably will recover from it tecause the effects on the nerves are reversible. The way in which nerve gas kills -- is paralysis of the respiratory centers and the stcppage of respiraticn. Nerve gas was not known to the outside world during the entire period of World War [I. The Germans, of course, kept it a secret. As early aS 1942 the Nazis began large-scale production cof rerve gas. They ended the war with stockpiles of at least 12,000 tons of nerve gas. There is incosplete documentation of German policy during Werld War II about the use of these agents. There is little doubt that a major element in their initial decision not to use it in the early pericd of the war was fear of retaliation. German intelligence was just as faulty as the Allies. They heard CULors of a consideratle breakthrcugh in sope insecticide-related research that was teing kept highly classified; and they jumped to the conclusion that the Allies had also discovered nerve gas. That material was not nerve gas, it was [D1, and this was a military secret because a major devastation in military activity for centuries immemorial has teen typhus fever spread by lice areng soldiers in encamtpments. (On the other hand, we had equally faulty intelligence that exaggerated the Japanese CW capability. There was information about their 1.000; }.U02 7.004 }.006 1.008 }.010 1.012 7.014 1.016 tp OTe 7.020 1.022 1.024 1.026 7.028 7.030 1,032 2.034 7.036 7.038 7.040 7.042 7.048 7,046 7.048 7.050 7.052 7.054 7.056 7.058 7.060 7.062 7.064 7.066 7.068 Lederberg lecture XIX Chemical Warfare -7- having used chemical weapons in China. Farticularly had there keen an American invasion of Japan, there was considerakle fear that the Japanese were preparing for the use of chemical weaponry. Actually they were not competent, beth from the point of view of any new agents and from the point of view of the development of the chemical industry.) In the later part of the war it appears that German military doctrine was starting to lean toward the use of chemical weapons. However, by that tise their chemical industry was so disrupted and there were such acute shortages for synthetic rubber and fuel; their economy was beginning to fall apart. They had also lost the air war and they therefore no lcnger had the majer instrument for the delivery of these weapons and therefore any Significant opportunity they may have had to take advantage of their unmistakable technological lead had reer lost. Luring the war all of the Allied countries made statements to the effect that the Allies would not be the first to use chemical wearpenry Lut if the Germans used CW against the USSR or any of the Allies, then their retaliation would be unleashed. The bluff worked! The fact that this strateyy saved the Russians from being clotbered with nerve gas during World War II, which could have been a decisive factcr in the German invasion of the Soviet Union, undoubtedly plays a large part in their present position with respect to arms control measures. U.S. presidents have repeatedly ccmmitted the U.S. to the general principles cf the Geneva protocol, without having had the wish or the power to see it formally ratified ty the U.S. Senate. Since 1961, the war in Vietnam has raised new issues in this field. The anti-war reacticn has focussed a degree of attenticn on curbing Ch that was never achievatle before despite the grave threats of escalation in lethal CW technclogy. On the other hand, tear gas and herbicides were introduced in a way that complicates the interpretation of waht CW should mean. It will ke difficult to achieve further progress in the contre] of C or BK until this complex array of issues is disentangled, with inevitatle delays in dealing with the issues of most crucial import. END CF LECTURE I