I will be glad to discuss Jackson and Kent With the "anonymous" scribbler. I think it ig a mistake to couple them. Kent was an atrocious blunder ("4“here was no order to fire"- Scranton Comm. Rep.) of the kind the radical militants gloat about; the Guardsmen were as much victims as the students. It ardéused an enormous outcry, and certainly is not accepted as part of our governmental pro- cess. Jackson was and is a symptom of a serious to- talitarian disease. It is founded on a racist dovtrine, including the notion that all blacks are militant, gun-carrying pig-hunters. We will end up in a Hitlerian regime if we do not find a way to contain it. Shoot-outs and bombings and other provocations will tear apart the fab- ric of mutual accomodation that makes democra- tic society possible. It is still true that police and federal doctrine is to contain vio- lence wiith the minimum injury to the €rowd; the exceptions are deplorable and dangerous, and there will be the more of them, the more we condone the rhetoric of violence and of its exemplification. Joshua Lederberg,