Memo from 70: 5 of David V Edwards JOSHUA LEDERBERG Dept Political &cience University of Texas Austin Arms Control in International Politics I merely wanted to communicate how much I enjoyed your book, which I have been reading during the last few weeks. I was particularly impressed by the clarity, succinctness and orderly logic of Parts I and II. The citations to the scholarly literature also seemed to me chosen with very great care, and have been most useful to me. Your remarks on p. 171 concerning escalated responses to "humane" CW are very much in line with my own pleadings; they are, by the way, an important argument against lumping C B and R, lest a break in one category be immediately ac- cepted as a license to tear down all restraints. Do you know of any other attributions to Szilard's "Mined Cities''? Sincerely, ho { 7 i OY 1 2 t970 | — .7? 3 7% : Ene. ~? Oo 5249 PROFESSOR JOSHUA LEDERBERG BV Zee Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford Universit Stanford, California 94305