p-o. box 213 cambridge, mass, 02138 Sept. 2, 1970 Prof. Joshua Lederberg Dept. of Biology Stanford University Stanford, Calif. Dear Prof. Lederberg, Recently we have received information from Angola that the Portuegese army is using various defoliants against the anti- Portuegese liberation movement in that country. We were requested by the liberation movement to find out what types of defenses, if any, could be used against defoliants. The defoliants are dropped from airplanes and the main targets have been the millet and cassava crops of Eastern Angola. Unfortunately, the exact type of defoliant being used is not known but it is reasonable to assume that it is American produced and available to Portugal through NATO since Napalm and other arms have been procurred by Portugal through 1) the same means. In addition, toxicants have been used against civilians and information concerning defenses for this is also badly needed. I am writing to you for this information because many people have suggested that because of your work in the effects of defoliants you would be the best person to contact. If you could tell us what types of defenses are possible, we will certainly send that information along to the liberation movement. The people of Angola will be very thankful for your help. Sincerely: i" le Teadema SEP 9 1970 Hubert Jepour I suggest you contact ur. Matthew Meselson of the HNarvard Biology Dept. with respect to defoliants. However, I am confident that there is no technical defense once a herbicide has reached a crop. If you can give me any documentation of any kind for "toxicants used against civilians" I would be most concerned to see it. Yours g&incerely, Prof. Joshua Lederberg . aN Department of Genetics rn | School of Medicine J dD Stanford Univorsity L/ Stanford, California 94305