e @ Stockholm SI ) Ww | International Peace Research Institute Bergshamra 5 October 1983 S-171 73 Soina Sweden Telephone 08-55 97 00 Cable: Peaceresearch Professor Joshua Lederberg President Rockefeller University New York, NY 10021 USA Dear Professor Lederberg, I have been asked by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) to write a paper on the possible impact of genetic engineering on the development and/or usage of biological weapons, to be included in SIPRI Yearbook 1984. In this connection I am extremely interested in the statement you, Rutter, Young, and others have worked out for the US Department of State which was briefly mentioned in Genetic Engineering Letter, Vol. 1, No. 10, p. 4 (1981). Could you be so kind as to supply me with a copy of this paper, or at least an abbreviated version thereof? Furthermore, I would be grateful if you could supply me with other materials relevant to these problems as I am interested in providing as much pertinent information as possible in my SIPRI paper. Please send this material to the following address: Professor Dr Erhard Geissler _ Zentralinstitut ftir Molekularbiologie Akademie der Wissenschaften Robert Rdssle Strasse 10 DDR-1115 Berlin~Buch GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC Thank you very much in advance. Sincerely yours, CU NG Gon © Ce mT‘ XX SL Erhard Geissler Guest Scholar