Joshua Lederberg Views “Germ warfare” has been universally condemned as a vile perversion of scientific insight. This emotional reac- tion is buttressed by a rational con- sideration of the strategic and political instabilities that would follow from threatened uses of biological weapons and of the possibilities of worldwide spread of infectious disease. In the interest of world order and to reduce the possibilities of igniting world con- flict, the development, stockpiling, and general accommodation of biological weaponry must be controlled by inter- national agreement. The past twenty-five years, in the course of which the world community has reached a certain degree of fa- nuliarity with the problems of nuclear power and has undertaken some of the steps needed to contain it as a servant for rather than against human aims, have seen a sustained and remarkable development of molecular biology. For example, Professor Gobind Khor- ana recently reported the synthetic assembly of a small gene through chemical operations on DNA com- ponents. It will be a step of another order of magnitude to extend this technical capability to the synthesis of small viruses, but this surely will be accomplished within the next decade. This procedure will allow an unlim- Dr, Lederberg is Professor of Genetics at Stanford University School of Medicine. His research career has centered on the genetics and evolution of microorganisms and was recognized by the award of a Nobel Prize in physiology and medicine in 1958, He was a member of the panel of consul- tants on health aspects of chemical and biological weapons of the WHO, whose report to the Secre- tary-General of the United Nations, in 1969, helped to focus international interest on new control agreements. These remarks are abstracted from a presentation ta the Conference of the Com- muttee on Disarmament, Geneva, August 5, 1970. Address: School of Medicine, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 9.1305. Biological Warfare: A Global Threat Will biomedical knowledge be dedicated to peaceful uses by international agreement or do we face a new weapons spiral? ited range of experimental variations of the genetic structure of different viruses, a process which has many important potential applications for human health. It also offers us the prospect of engineering the design of viruses to exquisite detail. Accom- plishments like Khorana’s have been possible in a small laboratory on an annual research budget which is miniscule compared to weapons hard- ware. For many years BW has been given only incidental attention as a subject of diplomatic discussion, for it seemed to have little bearing on the adjust- ments of power that were the main work of specialists in foreign affairs. However, BW does have something to do with efforts to reduce the barbar- ity of warfare. BW stands apart from all other devices in the actual threat that it poses to the health and life expectancy of every human_ being whether or not he is politically in- volved in belligerent actions. In a word, the intentional release of an infectious particle, be it a virus or bacterium, from the confines of the laboratory or of medical practice must be condemned as an_ irresponsible threat against the whole human com- munity. The Black Death The Black Death, the great bubonic plague that ravaged Europe in the mid-fourteenth century, is in fact a well-documented historic example of Just this process. The plague first entered Europe in 1346 via the sailors, rats, and fleas on the ships that re- turned to Genoa after having been expelled from Theodosia in the Cri- mea, where the attacking Tartars had catapulted some of their corpses into the Genoese fortifications. This plague, American Scientist v. 59 which reduced the population of Europe by at least one-third, would of course almost surely have made its way West sooner or later, the nature of the disease being quite beyond the comprehension of the medical science of that era. The Black Death in Europe was only one of many visitations of the plague suffered by Europe during the last 2,000 years. We do not know why this one should have been so much more disastrous than many others. The progress of a disease in any given individual is subject to many factors, of which only a few are well under- stood. A large epidemic, involving millions of people spread over time and space, is an immensely more complicated phenomenon, about which it is very difficult to make accu- rate scientific predictions. This com- bination of a grave potential hazard with a high degree of unpredictability is a peculiar attribute of biological weaponry at its present stage of de- velopment, and it has a great deal to do with the rational doctrine that so far has placed a relatively low value on its military utility. The present situation thus might pro- vide the most favorable opportunity for international action to regulate the further development and prolifera- tion of BW. I am convinced that we know enough about it to have legiti- mate concern about its future pros- pects. Until now no nation appears to have staked its security to any signifi- cant degree on BW armaments. I would therefore hope this provides a basis for accord. If we wait until BW has been developed into a reliable armament for use under a range of military doctrines, it could then be too late to disengage important powers from their commitment to it. 1971 March-April 195 (2) The main barriers that may today keep bubonic plague from being a great threat in advanced countries are (1) understanding and use of quaran- tine, (2) the suppression of rats and fleas by general urban hygiene, and (3) the use of modern therapy, es- pecially antibiotics, to control the disease. Each one of these barriers could be breached by further technical developments if a substantial effort were to be applied during the next decade to making the plague bacillus into a weapon. Other infectious agents might be even more adaptable. Some of man’s deadliest enemies are viruses which, like yellow fever, are transmitted by mosquitos or other arthropods. These have the advantage, from a military standpoint, that they may not start a potentially retroactive epidemic in areas where the vector insect does not normally abound. [1 is already evident that such insect-borne viruses could be applied in the first instance by direct aerial dissemination, with little or no further spread from the first wave of infected targets. Recent reports of airborne or pneu- monic rabies, a terrible disease, which is normally spread by the bite of an infected dog or other animal, illus- trate this possibility. There is the danger that, if a large nucleus of people is attacked by insect-borne viruses, further evolution of the virus may give rise to a new form of the disease that does spread from person to person, contrary to the calculations of the attacker. The Black Death itself underwent a similar evolution from the original bubonic plague which was spread by fleas to outbreaks of the pneumonic varicty which is far more contagious. We have learned in recent years that viruses undergo constant evolution in their own natural history, not only by mutations within a given strain, but also by the natural cross-hybridization of viruses that superficially appear to be only remotely related to one an- other. Furthermore, many of us carry viruses in our body cells of which we are unaware for years and which may be harmless—though they may even- tually cause the formation of a tumor, or of brain degeneration, or of other diseases. At least in the laboratory, we can show that such latent viruses can still cross-breed with other viruses to give rise to new forms. 196 American Scientist, Volume 59 Escalation of BW research My gravest concern is that similar scientific breakthroughs of a rather predictable kind will be made and their potential military significance exploited, so as to result in a trans- forination of current doctrine about “unreliable” biological weapons. We are all familiar with the process of mutual escalation in which the de- fensive efforts of one side inevitably contribute to further technical de- velopments on the other, and vice versa. The mere existence of such a contest produces a mutual stimulation of effort; moreover, there is no practi- cal system of counterintelligence that will protect secret work for an indefi- nite period of time from becoming known to others. And the potential undoubtedly exists for the design and development of infective agents against which no credible defense is possible, through the genetic and chemical manipulation of these agents. It is thus clear to me that if we do not do some- thing about this possibility, work will go forward and my fears will become realities. For many years I have advocated that the control of biological warfare be given a special place in interna- tional and national initiatives, for reasons I have mentioned. I am deeply gratified that President Nixon’s an- nouncement (November 1969) which disavowed offensive biological war- fare development has made it possible for me to address these issues in terms fully consistent with the policy of the government of my own country. Man’s natural enemies Even after agreement to eliminate bio- logical weapons, we will still remain very vulnerable to a form of biological warfare which is beyond the reach of any covenant that we can make. This is the warfare practiced upon us by nature, the unremitting barrage of infection by old and new agents that still constitute a very large part of the perils to normal and healthy life. We have all had vexing, perhaps even tragic, personal experiences with virus infections. The global epidemic of influenza that was first identified in Hong Kong about three years ago was not a particularly severe form of the virus, and its eventual mortality was probably only in the tens of thousands. It is wrong, however, to believe that there is any assurance that the next epidemic of this kind will be as mild: and we have still developed only the most feeble and precarious protection against this threat whose impact is shared by all the nations but against which very little common defense has been erected. From time to time small outbreaks of mysterious new diseases like “Lassa fever” and the ‘Marburg virus’ have been in the news. These were both extremely dangerous threats: and while much credit must be given to the diligence of the medical people who dealt with the outbreaks, a large ele- ment of pure luck was involved in localizing these incidents. We must expect that there are many additional viruses already indigenous to primate and human populations in primitive areas, to which the inhabitants of ad- vanced countries are extremely vulner- able. Yellow fever is a historically im- portant disease which now belongs in the same category. It is maintained on earth mainly through an animal reser- voir of infection, in the monkeys in tropical jungles. Urban populations are now protected from yellow fever by campaigns to abolish the fever-carry- ing species of mosquitos in South America and by the availability of excellent vaccines in advanced coun- tries. Mosquito species very well ca- pable of transmitting yellow fever are, however, abundant in South Asia and the accidental introduction of yellow fever, for example, into India would be a human tragedy of cata- strophic dimensions. Specialists in epidemiology are quite puzzled that this accident has not already hap- pened; we have no satisfactory ex- planation for this good fortune. I would not mention facts like these, which might stimulate psychotic imag- inations, if they were not already well known. My purpose is not to suggest the vulnerability of the Asian conti- nent to biological military attack but rather to point out immense gaps in the pattern of international coopera- tive defenses that should be mounted but that seem to have a low priority in the present-day world. This is in no way a derogation of the splendid ef- forts of the World Health Organiza- tion but an indication of the hmita- tions of its budget and a suggestion that much more needs to be done and could be done with resources that might be given over to biological work in the future. Countries that are undergoing a transi- tion in the development of their agri- culture are vulnerable to analogous threats in biological warfare directed against crops as distinguished from human targets. The introduction of new crop varieties, which has had all the human benefits attached to the “green revolution,” also means that the food supplies of vast territories are now committed to specialized strains of wheat, rice, and other basic crops. These are now newly vulnerable to destruction by plant pests of either natural or artificial origin. (The re- cent outbreak of corn blight in the U.S. was a costly confirmation of this out- look.) Biological “‘peacefare”’ The promulgation of an international agreement to control biological war- fare in a negative sense should, there- fore, be accompanied by steps ur- gently needed to build positive efforts at international cooperation, a kind of defensive biological research against natural enemies of the human species. One of the best assurances any country might have that the microbiological research of its neighbors was directed toward human purposes would be constantly expanding participation in international health programs. Any country that publicly and avowedly subscribed to the total renunciation of secret BW research might conceivably continue clandestine efforts without revealing their conéent. There would, however, be great difficulty in main- taining such an effort, at any sub- stantial level or quality of operation, while still keeping its very existence secret. It would soon be known by its own citizens who are specialists in health-oriented research and who are deeply involved in furthering health research activities within the frame- work of the international community. Therefore, besides the obvious direct health benefits of expanded interna- tional cooperation, we would also be rewarded by a higher level of mutual assurance that every party was indeed living up to the spirit of its obligations under a BW convention. As the delegates to the Disarmament Conference are well aware, the United States’ historic failure to ratify the Geneva protocol of 1925 was a major obstacle to international control of BW. At this writing, the issue is be- fore the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. The Geneva protocol will undoubtedly be approved, though not before an embittered debate about the definition of chemical weapons (be- sides nerve gas, should this also mean tear gas? herbicides?), which present a whole range of problems distinct from those of BW. This question aside, the Geneva protocol is only a partial answer to international control, for it effectively constrains only the first use of a forbidden weapon. In fact, the U.S.S.R. has stressed that the threat of retaliation against a first use has been the main deterrent against lethal CW, e.g. the use of nerve gas by Hitler in World War II. However, this actually encourages investment in military technology for the testing, development, and stockpiling of more and more fearsome biological weapons in order to maintain such a deterrent. The U.S. and the U.K. have proposed a specific ban on afl aspects of BW in order to close this gap left by the Geneva protocol. The Soviet bloc counterproposes a comprehensive ban (but with no provision for interna- tional inspection or verification) on chemical as well as biological weap- ons. This approach is regarded by the Western bloc as an evasion of basic needs for security and likely to make more problems than it solves, for lack of a clear definition of a chemical weapon. This problem would be ag- eravated if non-lethal agents Jike tear gas or herbicides are designated as chemical weapons, since the domes- tic uses of such chemicals make non- sense of a prohibition against de- velopment and stockpiling. Ecological warfare must be minimized to the extent that any controls on the conduct of war can minimize its ferocity; likewise we should seek all possible measures to dampen needless brutality, especially against civilians. To lump herbicides and tcar gas with BW for these reasons imperils solu- tions to all of these problems. Some of the speculations I have men- tioned are ones that all of us must fer- vently hope will never materialize. But it would seem both foolish and arrogant to assume that our good will alone, without concrete arrangements, will serve to forestall the further de- velopment, proliferation, and possible eventual recourse to what surely is one of the most ghastly methods of warfare imaginable. “It looks great, but why don’t we put it on a punchcard so I can under- stand it.” 1971 March-April 197