Memo from To: JOSHUA LEDERBERG Jane CUlson To yours of Dee. 18. Our correspondence is helping to clear ewey the underbrush, but I think we will need & more relexed and personal converss- tien te clean up the tag ends of any remain- ing disagreements. Something (unintended) in my style may meke me appear more argumen- tative or provocative than I mean to be; or perheps I am misreading yours. I am very pleased that you are running my BW piece. The Bull, of Atom. Sei. will do the one I wrote on arms control, so per- heps the dust is settling in the right wars: places. I am really too weery of the subject of biological engineering to want to rework it. However, do you want to meke something of this one, which will not have been widely circulated (though Biosciences is looking it over.) I make a point of retaining my own rights to reprint, whenever feasible, so the question is mainly whether you want to run it despite its having appeared before Needless to say, I could evade that problem by an elegant veristion of the text; but I abhor this when I encounter it as a reader. I much prefer an honest statement that some present text really is no different from another that hed appeared elsewhere. Sincerely, 4 y Vide (-- PROFESSOR JOSHUA LEDERBERG Pa Department of Genetics C ard i Wt School of Medicine OD Stanford University Lun: Stanford, California 94305