155 Whitney Avenue Editors-in-Chief Caryl P. Haskins Hugh S. Taylor New Haven, Connecticut 06510 Associate Editors Edgar J. Boell D. Allan Bromley 203 624 2566 Irving L. Janis A. Lee McAlester Peter P. Wegener Managing Editor Jane V. Olson American | Scientist 18 December 1970 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305 Dear Joshua: Thanks for returning your BW piece so promptly and so cleanly prepared. We are scheduling it for our next issue (March, that is). I do hope you will discuss the editorial policy of this journal with Dr. Haskins when you next see him. It really is not so surprising that the Sigma Xi Society is not first of all a politically active group, when you consider its tradition. Since many political points of view are represented in the Society, the journal could hardly espouse any one political position and continue to pursue its primary goals. I think I speak for the present Board of Editors when I say that we are indeed interested in publishing articles that have a solid bearing on political and social problems, and we have been and will continue to publish in the Views section articles of opinion based on special knowledge, by qualified authors. This is not to say that BW and CW are not more important than anything else we might publish: our bimonthly science journal simply has other aims than directly stimulating political action. There are other media where that sort of article is more appropriate--and more effective. As for tax-exempt status, I believe it all depends on how "lobbying" is defined. Obviously pointing to the probable effects of nuclear bombing is not a political statement, though it may obviously lead to one. The question of whether or not you would do a regular column for us had nothing to do with politics. The Board's decision was not to have any regular contributor--even Evelyn Hutchinson's Marginalia we include only occasionally. But we might have had problems on that score if we had gone ahead with a regular column by you, if that was your understanding of what the content was to be! Professor Joshua Lederberg page two We hope you will eventually do an article on biological engineering for us; and in the meantime, you may expect proofs on the BW piece sometime in January. Sincerely , Jane Olson JO:sec