Memo from To: JOSHUA LEDERBERG Jane Olson Degas dpe DEC 2 1970 218 /BW ms. The cuts are entirely acceptable, and I have incorporated them (together with a small amenda- tion on p. 9) in the enclosed copy which may be easier for you to handle editorially. I will keepmin mind what you request by way of an article on biological engineering. I happen to think that BW is immensely more important. Your remarks of concern about "politics'' astonish me; I just cannot believe your tax-exemption is at stake on the content of this document (which is part of the record of the CCD, and as such already stands as an objective fact of potential interest to scientists). And if you do take that concern so literally, you will be quite emasculated* as far as dealing with any issues of serious social import! But I hope to see Dr. Haskins in due course, and will pursue the matter in conversation with him. Sincerely, SLrnon~ (*please forgive this metaphorical bit of male chauvinism). PROFESSOR JOSHUA LEDERBERG Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California 94305