THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS WASHINGTON, D.C. 20540 LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE SERVICE June 16, 1970 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford Medical School Palo Alto, California Dear Dr. Lederberg: Dr. Quimby informed me of your interest in obtaining the names and addresses of some of the leading epidemiologists in the world. I have exhausted several sources of information without success. However, I am enclosing a list of names (provided by the DHEW Office of International Health) of persons with whom DHEW agencies have had contact on epidemiological problems. Additionally, I am enclosing copies of selected names from the International Epidemiological Association (IEA) Directory for April, 1969. Dr. Roy M. Acheson, Yale University, is Secretary for seminars for IFA. I found that it is generally the custom of our health personnel to work through embassy contacts when problems involving epidemiological matters are encountered. The National Communicable Disease Center, Atlanta, has an Epidemic Intelligence Service with U.S. members assigned to various countries overseas. I assumed that you were more interested in the names of foreign personnel and proceeded in that direction. Because of your interest in the subject, I am enclosing a copy of one of our informative publications on "Genetic Engineering". I hope that this information will be of some use to you. Sincerely, be Heche James M. McCulloug Specialist, Life Sciences Science Policy Research Division Enclosures JMM:cab