sep 26°70 ‘Genetic Manipulation’ To. the Editor: Professor Amitai Etzioni’s Sept. 5 “Topics”. column “Genetic Manipula- tion and Morality” is another contri- bution to the demonology of.genetic engineering that’ obscures the im- portant dilemmas of. health policy requiring open-ended. public discussion and participation. .. . ———— | tion, cystic fibrosis, heart disease, dia: | The Congressional. committee testl- -mony to which he alludes gives no justification for “ordering supermen” by: the task force which I advocated. “Itcis.a- ‘plea for ‘establishing the rela- tive urgency of various categories of human misery, like mental retarda- betes and many” other conditions™ which have an important genetic com- ponent. “Shopping for genes” is a phrase of: his own invention; perhaps he means nothing more than the aspira- tion for healthy life to which most of us plead guilty. I also stressed that it would be both technically and socially advantageous to concentrate on ways of modulating the untoward effects of deleterious: genes whenever possible for therapeutic purposes in preference to strenuous. efforts at modifying the genes themselves. - His point that we ought to explore ‘the aggregate social effects of indi- vidual decisions is an excellent ‘one. This.of course is important in -the therapy of: genetic disease, but also in the assessment of every other claim on precious resources like scientific talent and medical service. It is espe- | cially needed when. humanitarian mo- tives Jead us out of the conventional ~marketplace, where each consumer makes ‘his own allocation of. limited resources for the most valued aims. Such an exploration is, however, confused rather than advanced by. phrases like “genetic engineering,” which are as prejudicial as it would be to call surgery “anatomical manip- ulation,” . education ‘psychological control,” or scientific nutrition “‘mold- ing a superbaby.” JosHUA LEDERBERG ' Stanford, Calif., Sept. 10, 1970 The writer, Professor of Genetics at Stanford School of Medicine,:.won the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medi- cine, 1958. ob,