NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20550 June 11, 1970 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Palo Alto, California 94305 Dear Joshua: I read the enclosed newspaper artides with great interest. I don't know if you recall our conversation during my visit to Stanford on February 25, 1969, but it concerned the possibility of a national program with some similarities to the one you proposed to the House Appropriations Subcommittee. The purpose of this letter is to inform you that through a grant to the Genetic Society of America, a study group has been functioning to plan the coordination of a research effort called “A National Program on the Molecular Biology of the Hwnan Cell." ‘These plans are well under way, and the NSF has already indicated interest in the program. You probably know some of the details since Charlie Yanofsky played the central role in the program's development and Walter Bodmer was an active participant on the planning committee. I'm sure Charley will be happy to give you an up-to-date briefing on the status of the plan. Needless to say, I think the idea is a good one, and I think there is a proper role for both the NSF and NIH in this area. JI also think it would be te the mutual advantage to all those promoting such a national effort to do so in a coordinated manner. Otherwise, they may inadvertently find themselves working at cross purposes. I'm sure you agree. I would like to see a copy of your testimony if this is available. - Cordially, a 3 ep LEZ Ae as ea Herman W. Lewis, Head Cellular Biology Section ee: Dr. Charles Yanofsky . ‘