MEMO FROM TO: TX J. LEDERBERG Myron Tribus aad GENETICS DEPARTMENT RO STANFORD UNIVERSITY STANFORD, CALIFORNIA HIN TO i774 Dear Myron Iam trying to light a fire here without putting any responsibility on you for holding the matches. Sa I am in so sense asking ¥ouk you to approve these remarks. However, these pieces are necessarily put out in irresponsible haste, and if you think there may be something here that can be read differently than I really mesn to say, (as did happen once before), I would be grateful to you for pointing it out. I will be at the NIMH (496-0555) or at the Statler-Hilton Monday through Wednesday. Sinnerely, PS ‘ith friends like ... who needs enemies"? eee Thank you for the notes on resources. Can I extract anything quotable out of all that, l.e., authprity for Source, or comment from you or your colleagues. (I want to contrast an authoritative view with Ehrlich et als, actually not that far apart8) It could also be an unnamed source in DofC if you prefer.