Meme from To: JOSHUA LEDERBERG sVl2 JUN 2 1971 tdri ng water standards and research Hon. Howard Robgson Dear Congreasman Robison: Where does this matter stand now? Have hearings been held? Do you know how water~hygiene research is making out in the 1972 budget cycle? Is the responsibility for this entirely in EPA now? I have just been lecturing on water safety to my course here on "Human Ecology", and realized I was falling behind in the currency of my information, with all of the adm inistra- tive reorgahizations that have been put into effect during the last year. The article by Mr. Johnson that you had inser- ted into the record was most helpful. Sincerely, on L Nw) PROFESSOR JOSHUA LEDERBERG a Department of Genetics t/ School of Medicine a : Stanford University ZL Stanford, California 94305