MEMO FROM TO: TX J. LEDERBERG Harold Wolf RC GENETICS DEPARTMENT RO STANFORD UNIVERSITY STANFORD, CALIFORNIA JUN 28 770 It had not occurred to me to connect plant hormones with defoliation in VN; but of course this would have been a very striking further example of the problem of assigning "respon- sibility" to the scientist. So I was not as perceptive as you were, or perhaps gave me credit for, but I am glad to have your chuckling comments -- any good cheer is always welcome! I have been thinking a good deal about "technopathy", but am strll struggling to find a useful conceptualization of it. TI guess that I would say that the repudiation of knowledge comes close to a repdiation of the social contract, i.e., the faith that our social mechanism can, on balance, support the best interests of inidividual people. If I . . m ever reach the point of accepting a "moratoriu on science" I guess I would also stop paying taxes. There are times....