June 20, 1970 Dr, Joshua Lederberg Stanford Hospital seantord University Stanford, California 94305 Dear Dr. Lederberg: In your recent syndicated column, Science and Man--"The Searcn for a Clean Detergent", you mention the efforts of the chemical industry to coime up with a washing compound that will satisfy the housewife's demand for an effective cleaner and at the same time answer the current cry for a biodegradable product that will not further pollute our distressed earth. I wonder if you have not become acquainted with the product of a local (bay area) firm which for the lifetime of its product line (since 1915) has been concerned about biodegradability and the total health of its users. Shaklee Products is based in Hayward, California, and is sold only through neighborhood distributors, so you will not find it on your supermarket shelves or trumpeted from the pages of the slick magazines. But I think it merits sore attention at this time of concern, since so many of Who use Snaklee products continue to shake our heads when we read articles and columns like yours, ana say to ourselves, "don't they know about Shaklee?" So, instead of staying at this negative level of consumer reaction, I've ue- cided to go one step farther and bring Shaklee to your attention. I'm enclosing some materials for your information, and I will be glad to refer you to other authoritative sources, if you'll] just give me a call. —— Plea e te { Basic-H, aS you w#1] note, tho not strictly either a deteryent or a soap, nas cleaning qualities surpassing both, according to its users (tho I adwit this may be a subjective evaluation). On a more objective level, it is nontoxic (you_can drink it without harm, or pour it on your plants--1t makes a good spray for aphids simply because it drowns then!) non-irritating to the skin (it's approximately tne same pH as your skin, is neitner drying nor irritating, is a geod skin cleanser) far-more economical than any of the popular cleaning products, because you're buying a concentrate and not paying for water that is cheaper out of your faucet non-volatile (not like a solvent) biodegradable (breakdown begins almost immediately and is complete. No phosphate 1s used in liasic-H. ) Dr. Joshua Lederberg ee June 20, 1970 Basic-h, the nrincipal actor in the cast of Shaklee cleaning products, is an all-purpose cleaner, saves buying a different product for each of a dozen nousenold uses. You make a window-cleaner, furniture cleaner, woodwork cleaner, floor-cleaner, dish-wasner from it, depending on the concentration you use. It also doubles as a shampoo, nandcleaner after working on tne car, bubble-bath, baby+s bath. Incredible? Yes, but ask any Snaklee user and you'll find he's found these and a hundred otner uses for it. I'm also enclosing information on SaC, Shaklee's germicidal concentrate, which may Se of interest to you. I welcome a call or a note from you, should you want further information. Sincerely, of I VA \ ele al fe Chae 4A A. rege —_ Mrs. Jane Beauchamp 1271 Patlen Drive Los Altos, California 94022 967-8316 (home) 323-6122 (office) PS. Since the whole story of Shaklee cannot be told without a trial--it sounds too good to be true!--I'd be happy to make whatever arrangement you'd like to demonstrate or make it available to you, for use or testing.