MEMO FROM TO: TX J. LEDERBERG Congressman Reuss Rd GENETICS DEPARTMENT RO, STANFORD UNIVERSITY STANFORD, CALIFORNIA ?Hazards of NTA JUN 30 1970 Dear Mr. Reuss-- (Quite possibly your staff has already brought these artickes to your attention.) If it is possible to sustain the same cogent » effort in the difficult and costly task of adequate treatment of effluents over the next 19 to 29 years, it is even possible that the Great Lakes inmay be restored to the wonderful assets they once were. Having lived in Wis- consin for 12 years, as you know, I can well understand the urgency of your concerns, and of course share them. I am writing now to stress that there are many unanswered questions about the large- scale use of NTA, which are glossed over rathe) than answered by the work that has been pub- lished so far. ‘To answer them properly will take more research money and more time than seems to be available now. Do you know Dr. Marvin Legator at the FDA? le is a good friend of mine, a knowledgeable scientists, and has particularly involved him- self in the evaluation of NTA. (le may already be well known to you as a leading figure in thr. critical re-evaluation of cyclamates.) I be- lieve you would find it a very valuable use of your time to consult with him ahout the subtle. ties of the NTA problem.(May I say for the re- cord that this suggestion is my own initiative NTA may be proven safe, eventually, but it will take a while to do the essential testing. Meanwhile, I believe there are many sounder alternatives for detergent-building, e.g. citrates, about which no toxicological issue could possibly be raised. pineee ay