FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY U. S. PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HEALTH NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE SEBOHEEGOAX TEA x WiK c/o Department of Biology Princeton University Princeton, Ned. January 29, 1953 Dr. Joshua Lederberg . Depertment of Genetics University of Wisconsin College of Agriculture Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: Thank you for your ietter of January 2lst. I find myself inclining to the view which is more or less expressed in my book, that neobiogenesis was to a certain extent a preduct of the conditions existing on the earth at a given period, including of course the lack of any living systems at the time, pius some rel: tively improbeble event or events. I find it difficult to subscribe to the idea that such 4 process is going on today; although,as you suggest, some of the steps may be going on. You suggest that you want to put your iceas on the origin of life together from a geneticists view point. I hope you will do this and I should be very interested in seeing the paper. You ask me to send you reprints on the subject. My own two papers previous to the book are pretty much discussed there, although I will try to find ccpies to send you. The one on photosynthesis has little bearing any rore, As to your request that I make specific references to the pages in the book that reflect my contributions to the subject, I feel that my only contribution to the subject is a synthesis, and that there are no perticular parts of the book that I would want to enpnasize beyond others. JI have been considerably concerned with asking questions wnich I hope that others like . yourself will help to answer. ? Sine yp ly yours, a ~ 2d ye Herold F. Blum