MEMO FROM J. LEDERBERG GENETICS DEPARTMENT STANFORD UNIVERSITY STANFORD, CALIFORNIA TO: TX => H.W. Wolf RC Bren Wades Uy, °° ELS MAR 24 {979 1) Thank you for sending me this. Do you have any more detailed information on "Ramel/ Natural Science Res, Council Sweden " and his genetic experiments? Without some quan- titative data it is difficult to evaluate the assertion that the genetic effects actually described are in fact insignificant. NTA/ Pringle report 2) Have you calculated the impact of NTA discharge on nitrate contamination of surface waters? Besides the possibility of new kinds of eutrophacation , I need merely mention the concerns that have been expressed by Commoner and by Epstein. Mr. Johnson's speech (I have gotten the “actual text) included a further cautionary remark that was overlooked by the reporter for C&EN, Sincerely, LT eatiede 2 ayb178 D SDM adtay. *szooffa o1qz0uaB yUbo ABS, however, is currently a big- : ger factor in DWV pipin g than is PVC. This fact, along with the as-yet un- decided battle for the water main and sewage line markets now dominated by polyethylene and styrene rubber (among plastics), is causing Good- .tich and others to keep their hands in both ABS and PVC. if i \ ‘VIN fO Sasop * (a7 svboun7 au f{ puo golm 421M pezanpuoca adam sazpn7zs siY Ve, DETERGENTS: NTA Is Best In the continuing search for substi- tutes for phosphate builders in deter- gents, nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) may be the best one found so far, o according to Charles C. Johnson, Jr. administrator of HEW’s Environ- mental Health Service. Speaking at the 43rd annual convention of the Soap and Detergent Association (SDA) in New York City, Mr. Johnson said that NTA is 70% degradable by bio- logical sewage treatment. Animal ex- periments have revealed no genetic effects, he added, and no evidence of acute toxicity from NTA. . Phosphate builders, which have been branded by environmentalists as major pollutants, are detergent-en- hancing ingredients. Among other functions, they soften water, sequester dirt, buffer, and prevent — stains. Spokesmen for the detergent indus- try claim that there is no safe, ade- quate substitute for phosphates that can be supplied economically. About 2 billion pounds of phosphate builders are consumed per year. NTA produc- tion capacities total about 100 mil- lion pounds per year. Industry spokesmen also maintain that phosphorus is only one of some 15 to 20 nutrients that can cause eutrophication (overfertilization of 1 aspatau jouoa 41]DtaAO sty 1en , fO $807 awos peyzdodad ay « y 7DYA eden suc wo soworyo ' ‘ 1M 82a o1jauab a7qissod ayz 07Uu1 youDased sty uo payztodat spy sodg) sarqzf 4 y Yt 2 24do ‘v5 fo szoaffa uapong fo ]1oOWI0g Youvasay aoueLog 7DUNZDN 22 fO (2%) Lauby “ag ybnoyz10 “qoaffa o170}21u OU punof ay SaOIM 422M BarSSDU St ‘yIN fo sasop abu] Yy7IM 2e2DL YyDap auidayn U ~1fqubys ou pesnve VI 19 C&EN FEB. 9, 1970 Mere et ame ee te .- PATE RT “Choking algal) growths and consumption of the oxygen). But govemment agencies conti to apply pressure for the elimina of phosphates in detergents bec: these are the most readily controll: nutrients. One suggestion from C ernment is that phosphate con should be announced on proc labels, allowing housewives a chic between polluting and not polluti Industry spokesmen feel that hon wives will opt for cheap clear power, Which requires phosphates. Mr. Johnson says that governm agencies are also looking closely respiratory and dermatological pr lems associated with the enzymes some detergent formulations. Th Is increasing concern for workers have incurred ailments from di fumes, chemicals, and noise. And Administration-backed bill conce ing general occupational health <¢ safely is now before Congress. Elizabeth Wanford, executive rector of the President’s Commit on Consumer Interests, says that | office has received a number of ea plaints about detergents, includ: claims that washing machine lini: peeled after use of cnzyme deterge: General Electric’s Dr. Leo Le told the SDA convention audie that enzymes in detergents have 1 cessitated additional — research laundry appliances. The material quiring the most careful scrutiny, I Loeb says, is the porcelain enan finish inside the typical washer. The quiet revolution going on the fiber makeup of the typical hor wash load—synthetics are displaci cotton—will force innovations in det gent formulations, too, Dr. Lo predicts. Laundry hardware a: detergent products have been tun over the years for washing cotton. Venalin dra