THE CORNELL LAW SCHOOL MILTON R. KONVITZ MYRON TAYLOR HALL PROFESSOR OF LAW ITHACA, N. Y. 14850 AND PROFESSOR OF INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR RELATIONS Reply address: Ives Hall Cornell University Ithaca, N. Y. 14850 Professor Joshua Lederberg School of Medicine Stanford University Palo Alto, California Dear Professor Lederberg: In recent months vituperative attacks on Zionism have risen steadily. Whether from the Soviet Union, the Arab States, or extrem- ist groups here and abroad, these attacks.are, too often, barely dis- guised anti-Semitic acts. The time has come to condemn forthrightly all such efforts to discredit the Jewish people and the State of Israel through blatant anti-Zionist propaganda. A most effective response to these attacks, in view of the deliberate misrepresentation of Zionism, would be widespread support for an endorsement of the true meaning of Zionism as the national liberation movement of the Jewish people. Through public statements we can repudiate this distortion of Zionism, and so reject the insidious attempts to separate the interests of the Jewish people from the State of Israel and their fellow Jews in the Soviet Union. At a time when anti-Semitism as one of its weapons seeks to proscribe Zionism, will you serve as one of the 10 - 12 prominent academic leaders who will invite our colleagues to sign the enclosed statement. Sincerely yours, a4, | 7 Lies / < hs len WHS Milton R. Konvitz- YY MAR 2 9 1074 I respect the convictions of Jews who believe in the essentiality of the State of Israel for the fulfillment of their cultural aspirations; but I am not sufficiently imbued’ with that belief myeelf to subscribe to this statement. If I did, I would surely join the Aliyah. Gu