DAN BAWLY 5, AHUZAT BAIT ST TEL-AVIV November 10, 1970 Professor J. Lederberg, 300 Pasteur Drive, Stanford, California 94305, U.S.A. Dear Professor Lederberg, When we met in Rehovot last May with Michael Feldman, Baruch Yekutieli and Aluf Har-Even and dis= cussed the activities of the Association for Peace, you suggested that a book be prepared on Israel's work with, and programs for, the Palestinians. I have asked an associate of mine in New York, Victor Seidman, C.PeAe, of 919 Third Avenue, to forward you a copy of a manuscript written by me and to be published by the Anglo=Israel Association in London next month, which, I believe, is within the scope of the idea you developed at that meeting. I should like, if I could find a publisher, to develop this pamphlet, which I called "An Experiment in Co#Existence" into a fullelength book. I should appreciate any comments you might have on this treatise. Enclosed is a letter from The Association for Peace. With best regards, Yours sincerely, rn — --- > Dan Bawly a Ence 1