STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE STANFORD MEDICAL CENTER 300 PASTEUR DRIVE, PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA 94304 DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS Professor Joshua Ledeiberg Dear Michael I had mailed the enclosed column from Rome on my way homeZ; but unfortunately it became entangled in some strikes there. At any rate it simply did not reach the Washington Post in time, and 'the moment! having past, it —will not -be -pubtished*? as-my-regularseries+¥ Awe However, please do pass it on to our friends at AfPS$ and make any use of it you may see fit. W.I., Board is called to meet in the fall, I will make every effort to attend, and TI hope Marguerite will also join ie then. WY PS BY f c If the Scientific Advisory Group to the * Your hospitality was, as ever, the warmest and, again, my thanks, be Sincerely, eA e