HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL DEPARTMENT OF SURGERY HARVARD SURGICAL UNIT BOSTON CITY HOSPITAL FIFTH SURGICAL SERVICE 818 HARRISON AVENUE SEARS SURGICAL LABORATORY BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02118 Jacob Fine, M.D, May 4, 1970 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Standord Medical School 300 Pasteur Drive Palo Alto, California Dear Dr. Lederberg: I'm sorry I can’t manage to get to Israel in early May for the Weizmann Board Meeting. The status of the scientific institute for Iran is as follows: The Middle East Committee of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences of which I am chairman, has proposed to the Shah of Iran the creation of an international scientific institute to deal with problems of international importance, which are at the same time of special interest to Iran. The Academy would offer its services to help in structuring the Institute and finding the required personnel not available in Iran. It proposes arid ecology as the first major undertaking of such an institute, A primary condition for the successful operation of such an institute shall be that it shall be completely independent in all respects of any and all governmental agents, domestic or foreign, and that its administrator and staff shall be chosen purely on the basis of scientific merit. While Iran would be expected to provide a substantial fraction of the financial support, Dr. Joshua Lederberg -2- May 4, 1970 at least half would be supplied from other sources such as the Ford Foundation, oil interests, and other potential sources, A copy of the letter to the Prime Minister was also sent to a number of important people in Iran, Those whom I interviewed last November favored the proposal without exception, We are awaiting a response from the Shah, which we think ought to be favorable in view of the potential importance of such an institute not only for Iran but for the Middle East as a whole. Sincerely yours, fi oe BM v. éf f Ei poe _ Ay pee G f ee ff : ~ ( Jacob Fine, M.D. JFicfh