Au flaag Athearn March 9, 1955 AIMUIATLE Dr. A. C. Allison Clinical Patholory Laboratory University of Oxford PC AND Dear Dr, Allisone It was quite a treat to meet you last summer. “y wife arxl I were both extremely interested in your account of the sickle cell anemia~ malaria story. I am sorry that you did not get an opvortunity to visit Madison and my other colleacues, I am writing now to ask you the favor of keeping me in touch with v y ping your work in this field by means of reprints of your publications if they are and continue to be available. A question has also come up whether thre is any information bearing upon the possible occurrence of sickle ecli trait correlated with resistance to malaria in other, non-human, orimates. Do you think that such an investigation would be feasible at the present time? If it were, what do you think would be the best approceh? Should an exe pedition with the usual attendant costs be sent from abroad, or would there be any local facilities that could at least co the prelinin ry screening that might be necessary? I asi: you this not on my own pore sonal account but to help in the evaluation of a request for a research grant that is currently being considered by a cox ittee of which I am amenber. Your carly comment on the feasibility of this kind of pro» pose would therefore be very greatl, appreciated, Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genct‘ies