April 25, 1970 Desr Michsel I think Sabin will already heve contacted you about my hopes of seeing you (snd some others) for more interésting dis- cussions then some that may take most of the time during the Bosrd meeting May 1 ff. I hepe so, end I am looking forward to seeing you (on the optimistic premise thet you will indeed be at hand). Besides Biology, I wanted to telk to you about the activities of the Association for Peace, from whom I heve been receiving some literature of very great interest. I believe you may have some connection with them; and I believe the views they hed presented (so fer) reflect your line of thinking. One concrete question -- has the AfP sought or gotten ak sny presa publicity? would this be desirable or otherwise? If you thought it would be constructive, I had in mind to file # column about it for the Washington Post. We can of course talk about this at closer resch, but I thought it wise to raise the matter in sdvance. Looking forward,