Lt De! dae anvywn .WmM7 MTIANT THE ASSOCIATION FOR PEACE 12th April 1970. Professor Joshua Lederberg, Department of Genetics, School of Medicine, Stanford University, STANDORD, Calif. 94305 U.S.A. Dear Prof. Lederberg, Thank you for your,reply to our pamphlet "Four Solutions", Half a century ‘of freat power involveméint*in the Middle East conflict does not seem to have solved very much. While we certainly do not intend to advocate unilateral neutrality on Israel's part, we are striving for a more serious solution than merely "containing ter- rorisnm", ¥et as 5 you yourself suggest, the great powers are not currently determining Israel's future ~ whether they wish to ornot.— since the problems invaglving our future ~ refugees, terrorism, etc. - can only be solved by Israelis ‘and Arabs. With this in mind, we are sending you, under separate cover, our latest publication, "The Middle East in the Year 2000", which*seeks to involve people like yourself in an effort to encourage a long-range, regional view of the Middle East conflict. We would be happy to receivé your comments. — oe Sincerely yours, A Dan Bavly Secretary Roma, C.P. 6204, Italia. Tel Aviv, 5, Ahuzat Bayit St., P.O.B. 17197. Tel. 50216. WAV ond) je - Cal fi on