FEDERAL UNION INCORPORATED IN 1940 U.S. Affiliate, International Movement for Atlantic Union Publishers of the Hlustrated Monthly FREEDOM & UNION President CLARENCE K. STREIT, D.C. Author, Editor, Lecturer Vice Presidents NICHOLAS DOMAN, N.Y. Attorney, Author MRS. RAYMOND T. ELLIGETT, Fla. Educator, Lecturer MRS. EARL HUBBARD, N.Y. Pres., Deerfield Fda. OTHER BOARD MEMBERS THEODORE C. ACHILLES, D.C. Ex-Counselor, State Dept., Ambass. “MRS. ISTVAN BOTOND, D.C. Editor, Magazine Writer JOHN ANTHONY BROWN, JR., Mo. President, Lindwood College *P. F. BRUNDAGE, Fla. Ex-Director, U.S. Budget DR. ARTHUR F. BURNS, N.Y. Chairman, Eisenhower Council of Economic Advisers, 1953-56 JAY H. CERF, Mass. Executive Director Pathfinder Fund JAMES CHARLESWORTH, Pa. Pres. American Academy of Political and Social Sciences MRS. CHESTER W. CLARK, D.C. Educator, Lecturer F. JOSEPH DONOHUE, D.C. Mgr. Kefauver for President LADY DOUGLAS-HAMILTON, W.Y. SEN. MARK HATFIELD (R., Ore.) CHARLES W. FERGUSON, N.Y. Editor, Author PAUL FINOLEY, M.C. (R., Ut.) DAVE GARROWAY, N.Y. Radio-TV Personality W. B. GUNTHER, Conn. Marketing Executive ADM. THOMAS C. KINKAID, D.C. USN, Retired F. GILBERT LAMB, Ore. Ex-Pres., National Assn. Frozen Food Packers AUSTIN LAMONT, M.D., Pa. SEN. EUGENE McCARTHY (D., Minn.) LEO H. McCORMICK, Md. Insurance Executive FORREST D. MURDEN, JR., N.Y. Public Relations Counselor MAJ. GEN. GEO. OLMSTED, D.C. USA Ret., Chmn., International Bank W. H. OPPENHEIMER, N.Y. Stock Broker EDMUND ORGILL, Tenn. Ex-Moyor of Memphis CHARLES H. PRANGE, Pa. Industriaf Consultant ELMO ROPER, N. Y. Public Opinion Surveyor D. BRUCE SHINE, Tenn. Pres. Young Citizens for Atlantic Convention, Attorney ROBERT STRAUSZ-HUPE, Pa. Dir., Foreign Pol. Research Inst. DR. EOWARD TELLER, Calif. Fermi Award, Nuclear Physics OR. HAROLD C. UREY, Calif. Nobel Prize, Chemistry *LESTER B. VERNON, Pa. Monufacturer CLEMENT ZABLOCKI, M.C. (D., Wisc.} Ranking Maj. Member, House Foreign Affairs Committee *Past Chairman *MELVIN RYDER, D.C. 1736 Columbia Road, N.W. Washington, D. C. 20009 Cables: FEDUNION Phone @ 234-2211 A Nonprofit Educational Membership Association to Advance Individual Freedom and World Peace by Federating Democracies Gifts & Dues Deductible from Taxable Income 3 Chairman ROY B. CHIPPS, Mo. Truck Line Executive Secretary . DON DENNIS, N.Y. Foreign Policy Assn. Executive #W. L. CLAYTON Board Member 1961-64 Ex-U.S. Undersecretary of State Corresponding Secretary MRS. CHASE S. OS8ORN, D.C. Author, Lecturer Treasurer Manager Publisher, Army Times MARGARET B. RINEHART D\ } 19 May 1970 We Se carloer Mr. Howard Simon Assistant Managing Editor The Washington Post 1515,L Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20005 Dear Mr. Simon: We respectfully request permission to publish in our forthcoming May issue of Freedom & Union the enclosed excerpts from Dr. Joshua Lederberg's column entitled In Deflecting Hurricanes, Where Do We Aim Them? which appeared in the Post on May 16. In conformance with your policy, we are enclosing also a recent issue of our magazine for your review. (The Washington Post does appear on our press list, however, to get the magazine every month.) Thank you very much. Cir) Sincerely, IL ofopfr— M. A. Pappas Assistant to Clarence K, Streit a/s Enc. MAY 28 1970 I am very happy to extend this permission, (which I have the authority to do.) May I ask, however, that you add the lines marked on She attached copy, which unfortunately did not appear in some editions, and which I believe are needed for a balanced view of the problem, My best regards to Mr. Streit Sinverely, YJ | Nylrmasn’ oN, a / Prof, Joshua Lederterg Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Stantord, California 94305