STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94805 ¢ (415) 321-1200 TANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE ebartment of Genetics rofessor Joshua Lederberg April 25, 1970 Dear Dr. Coan-- Thank you for your invitetion,wiich I am glad to accept to the extent of being delighted to re- ceive all possible information about 2PG ectivities. chile I am pleased at your efforts to focus public attention on some problems of vitak impor- tance, I find that I differ sufficiently on some details (or perhaps mainly empheses) that I ecennot identify myself as an “endorser”. My public posi- tion is sufficiently exposed that I have to attend to such details in es way that may seem excessively fussy to nayone who has not shared that experience. However, since I often write on population ques- tions in my newspeper column, I do dhink your ef- forts at educating me may be well-spent, at least to keep me from grievous error. If you want to reprint feir quotations from my more relevent ykease pieces, I would be pleased at the critical feedback this might elicit. Finally, two fevorsi.1) eny chance of the back issues of the Z>3 Peporter for my own files; end 2) whet about a full set end subscription for the reading room of our Humsn Biology program et Stan-~ ford (on which Paul Ehtlich is a co-director)? By coincidence, I had just mailed off my May 2/3 sauxx column beforereceiving your material. My reference to ZPG is therefore based on 2d-hand im- pressions, and I am pleased to be on line to more @irect and reliable information. Sincerely peg { Lr. Josepn P. KENNEDY, jr. LABORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE dedicated to the study of mental retardation Molecular Biology Heredity Neurobiology Developmental Medicine