TERo : GROWTH Ox ®uiLp** 367 STATE STREET, LOS ALTOS, CALIFORNIA 94022 415/941-3666 April 23, 1970 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford, Calif. 94304 Dear Dr. Lederberg: Zero Population Growth, Inc. (ZPG), is an educational-political action orranization whose purpose is to bring about population stabtlityv in the United States and then in the rest of the world. We believe this is necessarv in order to conserve our resources and to have the time to resolve our vopulation related problems. Be- cause overpopulation is a contributor to vnoliticallv dangerous situations, we must, by dealing with our own population problem, set a credible example for countries which are not vet in trouble hbe- cause of overvopulations; in this way, we would contribute to world stabilitv. ZPG is continually looking for wavs to stress to the American public the critical necessities im- posed on us by population growth. We are writing to all of the American Nobel Prize winners to ask if you would be interested in a free membershin in our organization. We would like to put your name on our mailing list to receive our monthly National Reporter, the most recent issue of which is enclosed. Enclosed also is a sample of our literature. We have included a renlv blank and a return envelope for your convenience, In the future, we may want to develop an in- fluential niece of literature endorsed by a groun of prestigious supporters like vourself. If we did so, we would clear it with each individual in- volved. As an example, enclosed is a resolution we are workine on currently to be signed bv vari- ous conservation and environmental organizations, -~2. Thank you very much. We trust that when you have read our literature, you will share our feelings of urgency in dealing with this prob- lem. Most sincerely, neeneree ne Fim ee eaten Eugene V. Coan, Ph.D. Director of Political Activities EVC/ril Enclosures