FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY U. S. PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HEALTH NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE AETHOSOAKIKA AID c/o Department of Biology Princeton University Princeton, Ned. January 16, 1953 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Tear Dr. Lederberg: I note in your recent admirable review the following:"Recent writing has tended to assume the accidental production of the first living protein molecule (13,20,139), discounting the improbabilities with the stipulaticn that life has evolved." T note that my book,"Time's Arrow and Evolutiont has been included with reference tc this statement. Since I have taken some pains to point out the improbabilities of this I was somewhat stertled by your statement. Might I suggest a rereading? Harold F, Blum