ARIZONA STATE U N | V E R S I T Y TEMPE, ARIZONA 85281 COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING SCIENCES (602) 965-3421 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering February 19, 197] Professor Joshua Lederberg Stanford University Stanford, Ca. 94305 Dear Dr. Lederberg: It sometimes takes awhile for an article to reach its target, but your April 1970 article in the Washington Post was only just reprinted in a small abstract magazine and reached my desk last week. I am most interested in a land-use and land-taxation policy revision, for I believe like you do, that such a change is necessary before some of the major environmental improvements can come about that we so badly need in our cities and towns. If you know where I can learn some more details about either Pete McCloskey's ideas or others dealing with plans for tax reform, I would be delighted to hear from you. Mrs. Chilton and I remember with pleasure the evening we shared with you at Jerry and Judy Rose's house about a year and a half ago. I hope you and your wife are well and that I may hear from you soon. Sincerely yours, te (C6. Log ——— E.A. Chilton Professor of Engineering sss MAR 1 1 1977 As you know, there is an enormous literature on land taxation policy (Henry George etc., for example). I have not seen any legislative followup; but the Rockefeller Population Commission has popn. distribution on its agenda, bn and the matter comes up in many other ways. Senator Goldwater's office might be eager to help you dig; let me know if you see anything very tangible. Sincerely,