UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA PHONE (213) 746-2191 UNIVERSITY PARK LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90007 DOROTHY W. NELSON, DEAN September 21, 1970 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 Dear Professor Lederberg: Some time ago you wrote asking for two items, the report of our conference on property law and comments on the uses of land speculation. Enclosed is the report I filed with Russell Sage on the conference. On the second question, James Gillies wrote an _ essay for the U.C.L.A. Law Review a number of years ago. *& The U.S.C. Law Library is packed for moving, or I would obtain the citation for you. If you have any trouble locating the piece, when we are moved in a few weeks it will be an easy matter to procure the cite. Concerning your column, you are probably aware of the difficulties in appraisal the Labor Government encountered in Britain when they attempted after World War II to assess a betterment tax against land appreciation engendered by the granting of favorable planning permits. Also, presumably, if you taxed the landowner on appreciation when the freeway is installed, you will compensate him for loss when the freeway is re-routed, replaced by rapid transit, or the value of adjoining sites is reduced because the freeway becomes impassible for overuse. If you are ever in Los Angeles and would like to talk about some of these questions, let's get together. Yours truly, [ere tif eve George Ld@#fcoe Professor of Law GL:cb enclosure