April 22, 1970 Mr. Robert E. Ulanowics 6213 64 Avenue 6 E. Riverdale, Maryland 20846 Dear Mr. Ulanowicz, Thank you for your comment on my colémn of April lith. I certainly did not mean to convey a condemnation of every suggestion that we re- examine the merits of economic growth for I have offered my own criticiam on this point, including my column of a few weeks back. I regret that my setence @kands itself to this interpretation but believe that this should not prevail in the face of the rest of the article or even the remainder of that paragraph. Parhaps I do believe that real economic growth is algo possible without the distortions of profligate consumption but in any event I would share with you the most peofound admiration of anyene who could help us promote social justice and environmental conservation at the same time. My impatience is with those who refuse to see the reconstruction of the cities as a problem of high priority gw which we should be concentrating our attention and our economic resources. This is hardly the trickling theory. Rather than continue a private correspondence may I urge you to recast your opinions as a letter to the editor of fhe Washington Post. Your point is well taken and can be made without forcing me into a posture that I do not in fact uphold. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics JL/rr