MEMO FROM TO:. . J. LEDERBERG % Cc Cn e GENETICS DEPARTMENT STANFORD UNIVERSITY STANFORD, CALIFORNIA RO MAR 25 1979 1) Slip of the pen -~ or a partial solution to the world population excess (wipe out the unfree world?) 2) I don't understand the purpose of quoting unreliable figures that you don't trust, except to document and rebut them. Someone has surely estimated that we're consuming 110% of the World's resources. You won't en-~ hance your credibility by wild attributions, 3) Do you happen to know what fraction of the total consumption is a) fuels; 8) of domestic origin. 4) Have you consideredi what fwould happen to the ecenomy of the LDC's if we did not purchase their raw materials? My own stress would be to seek out the ways in which we exploit the LDC's through direct and indirect manipulations of commodity prices. We have a dilemma-- how to reestablish fair prices without an éncredible enrichment of the "mining interests" in the US. a4