May 8, 1954 Dr. Benigna Blondel 159 Elm Street Northampton. Maas. Dear Dr. Blondel: Thank you for your letter of May 6. By coincidence, I had received only yesterday copied of your reprints from Dr. Welsch. As your personal supply may be limited, you perhaps prefer to have these back. I read them, of course, with great interest. As concerns the comment in your note at p- 1491, Etalement des clones, it is of course self-evident that colénies may be somewhat smeared by impression of the velvet, and that the transfers often consist of local clusters of colony-formers. Similarly, unless, on the average, a fair number of cells were usually deposited from evan a small clone, then chance would dictate the frequent failure to deposit any. Like yousself,we had tested a conaiderable range of fabrics, ami found domestic velveteen (i.e. velours de coton) to be, on balance the most suitable. Have you, by the way, seen Elek's remarks (J. Clin. Path. (It. Brit, 7:37, Feb. 1954)? These minor variations are entirely unimportant, but I find it difficult to understood why he adopted the cumbersome procedure of moving the velveteen, attached to blocks, rather than the plates. To return to the point of your letter, I am sorry to have to report that the commitments wa have already made leave no possible space, so that I am unable even to consiler your application. Unfortunately. the same is true at our Bacteriology department. In New York City, however, there are two laboratories where you might be more fortunate » and which you provide you with an equally suitable opportunity for experience. I recommend that you commni- cate with: Professor F. J. Ryan Dr. S. E. Hutner Dept. Zoology and Haskins Laboratory Columbia University 305 E. 43 Street New York 27, N.Y. New York 17, N.Y. Dr. Ryan is well knom for his studies on selection dynamics in bac terial cultures, while Dr, Hutner's group has made outstanding contributions in the physiology and genetics of the algae, including specially effects of : antibtééics. / Yours sincerely, / | y\ i 7 ve 7 - Joshua Lederberg a | Q . -/ DA Associate Professor of Genetics | \