CHEMICAL AND radioac- tive pollution of the envi- ronment have so captured the popular imagination hat the most serious threats {io human welfare are some- ‘imes overlooked. Through- out evolutionary history, infectious disease has been he overriding threat to the species. In contemporary life, only warfare makes a competing claim. Antibiotics are often, but neorrectly, credited with a arge share of the advances ifainst disease, That. credit yelongs rather to environ- nental engineering. Proce- jures like the control of ‘ats, fleas and lice, suppres- sion of mosquiloes by drain- ge (and, Ict it be admitted, DDT), quarantine and the nechanical separation of lrinking water from sewer- nee channels have pre- vented far more iinesses han medicine would know now to cure. Bacterial infections are ruly far less threatcning now that antibiotics are available. However, to re- fule the cliche of the “con- yuest” of vlague, one need merely look up the statistics of bubonic plague in South- past Asia, of gonorrhea among teen-agers or of tu- perculosis on Capitol Hill. VIRUS INFECTIONS re- main as a global time bomb against which we have few defenses once it has erupted. We are all well ac- quainted with the periodic sweep of influenza across the carth as new strains of viruses evolve. ‘This disease is not ta be shrugged off, but a minor change in the biolosy of the virus could five it access to the brain and make it a scourge with- put preeedent. Every year or so, further- more, we read of a new, €x- otic virus that has broken out as a small epidemic. Such jincidents probably vecur quite offen in medi- cally deprived communities where new diseases may cs- cape notice. Last mouth, vi- rologisis at Yale University announced that work on “Lassa fever” was too dan- Ferous to continue at a uni- versity laboratory and re- quired the special faciltiies of the National Communica- ble Discase Center of the Public Uealth Service at At- Tanta, This caution responds to a terrible responsibility which goes beyond the risks of infection and death of rnore laboratory worllers. What would prevent the escape of such a virus to the general population? We now hear that further cases of a disease resem- bling Lassa fever have been reported from Jos, another town in Nigeria almost 300 miles away. If this is con- firmed, we have to conclude that this virus is widespread in Nigeria, and we can hardly afford not to study it to forearm ourselves against its spread. And we cannot blind ourselves to the likeli- hood that a hundred similar viruses are being incubated in animal population reser- voirs, and are evolving anew with genetic changes and hybridization of established viruses, PUBLIC HEALTH offi- cials have been loath to dramatize this superordi- nate threat. It has, however, been ventilated by the pol- icy studies on biological warfare that led to Presi- dent Nixon's renunciation of U.S, research on germ weap- ons. As he implied, to use human intelligence for the intentional design of new di- seases is so blatantly sui- cidal that it cannot be justi- fied by any fancied military advantage. However, the abandon- ment of secret development work merely stops more mischief; we have still to es- tablish an effective interna- tional defense against the remaining threats of natural pestilence. These are seri- ously aggravated by the par- adox of the coexistence of jet transport, famine and squalor, Dr. P. Dorolle, deputy director general of the World Health Organization, is one of the few to have spoken out about the gaps in our present response, He refers, for example, to the threat that yellow fever may penctrate into Asia, where “the virus would find ideal climatic conditions, an un- vaccinated human popula- ‘tion and its favorite vector,” the Aedes mosquito. In this circumstance, every single uncontrolled casé of yellow fever is a threat to Ihuindreds of mil- lions of people. Much the same could be said for many other diseases, which de- mands a Jevel of interna- tional cooperation in surveil- lance and control that tran- scends political differences. The necessury control metheds will remain uncer- fain and awkward until we Jearn much more about vi- ruses, particularly about their biochemistry and ge- netics, for which the basic tools have recently been perfected. The United States could do a great deal to res- fore its historic reputation as a defender of human lib- erties and health if it reas- signed our erstwhile biolagi- cal warfare laboratories, as at Ft. Detrick, to make them an internaticnal research center for virological peace- fare, © 1970, The Washington Post Co. Dear Harry-Kgre I saw your letter to the editor (2/22/70), and the editorial in the NYT (2/11) to which it responded only after this was in press. I think you were quite right to answer as you did, for you were unfairly bur- dened. The editorial did, never- theless raise a more general question, Similar to the one I put myself, that needs to be addressed about public health pretection against new viruses. Obviously, the tra- veller who returns with no apparent illness at all, rep- resents the worst hazard, and a responsibility hardly Within your personal province Sincerely, Our CBW Faeilities Could Help Against Pestilences | MAR 7 1970 This communication relates to a column "Science & Man" distributed weekly by the Washington Post. Joshua Lederberg