JENNINGS RANDOLPH, W. VA., CHAIRMAN STEPHEN M. YOUNG, OHIO JOHN SHERMAN COOPER, KY. EDMUND S. MUSKIE, MAINE J. CALEB BOGGS, DEL. B, EVERETT JORDAN, N.C. HOWARD H. BAKER, JR., TENN. BIRCH BAYH, IND. ROBERT J. DOLE, KANS. JOSEPH M. MONTOYA, N. MEX. EDWARD J. GURNEY, FLA. WILLIAM B. SRONG: JR..VA. "ROBERT W. PACKWOOD, OREG. Wnileda Hlates Henate WILLIAM B,. SPONG, JR., MIKE GRAVEL, ALASKA RICHARD B. ROYCE, COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS CHIEF CLERK ANDO STAFF DIRECTOR 4. B. HUYETT, JR., ASSISTANT CHIEF CLERK WASHINGTON, D.C. 20510 M. GARRY MEYER, COUNSEL April 20, 1970 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University School of Meuicine Stanford Medical Center 300 Pasteur Drive Palo Alto, California 94304 Dear Professor Lederberg: Thanks so much for your April 7th note and for sending me copies of your articles from the Washington Post, two of which I had already seen. It goes without saying that your comments and support are most warisly appreciated. I was especially interested to have your comment concerning tne high negative correlation between family size ana tne mother's age when tne first child is porn. With this in mind, some sort of marriage postpone- ment incentive woula definitely look desirable. Again, many tianks for writing. i appreciate hearing fron you. Cordially, Bob Packwood BP/cjc