YALE UNIVERSITY STATISTICAL LABORATORY gt HILLHOUSE AVENUE NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT April 17, 1953 Dr. Jd. lederberg Genetics Department University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: Next September, the Third International Biometric Conference will meet in Bellagio, Italy, on Lake Como. One of the sessions concerns the teaching of biometry and I have been asked to report on my experience at Yale. As the instructor, however, I am less able to evaluate my course than you would be as one of my former students, so far as you have had a chance to test your knowledge. May I ask what you are doing and how you have used the biometry you learned with me? I would greatly appre- ciate having your candid opinion, not only because of my paper at Bellagio but also for the benefit of future students. Since I am re- quired to submit an abstract by April 30, it would be especially helpful if you could reply on the enclosed questionnaire by return mail. Many thanks and best wishes! Sincerely yours, CQ Ga. C. I. Bliss P.S. To forestall questions: My "Statistics of Bioassay, with special reference to the vitamins", was published by the Academic Press (New York) last November (183 pages, $3.50); a mch-revised and expanded "Outline of Biometry" (multilithed) should be on sale this summer at the Yale Co-operative Corp. (300 York Street, New Haven).