March 3, 1970 Bon. Shirley Chisholm United States Representative House of Representatives Washington, BD. C. Dear Mra. Chisholm: Your stetement on “Abbrtion and Population Control” which appeared in the Congressional Record for December 11 has only just come to my atten- tion. May I offer wy hearty congratulations for your courageous and perceptive statement. Am I wrong in the belief that you are the first member of the Gongress to have taken a forthright position on the question of voluntary sbortion? I am enclosing an article of my own that appeared a few days age in the Washingtoa Post. You might well believe that I had plagiarized your etstement, but instead I trust you will accept wy regret that I wae not aware of it in time to give it the credit {t justly deserves. Yours respectfully, Joshva Lederberg Professor of Génetics