DEPARTMENT OF STATE Washington, 0.C. 20520 March 10, 1970 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Medical Center Stanford, California 94305 Dear Professor Lederberg: President Nixon has asked that we thank you for letting him have your views. He believes that every American has the right to address his President directly on matters of na- tional concern, The President would like to send you a personal reply but since he receives thousands of letters daily, this is not possible. He truly regrets this because he knows that those who write to him are deeply concerned about our country's problems. However, his correspondence is carefully read and noted at the White House, and he is advised of its content. Mail on foreign policy is often sent to the Department of State for reply. I assure you that the President and the Department are pleased that you have given us the benefit of your thinking. Sincerely yours, ichael Collins Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs