SHIRLEY CHISHOLM COMMITTEE: 121TH DistRIcT, NEW YoRK VETERANS’ AFFAIRS SUBCOMMITTEE ON EDUCATION DISTRICT OFFICE: AND ‘TRAINING 587 EASTERN PARKWAY BRookLyn, NEw YorK 11216 Congress of the Anited States SUBCOMMITTEE ON INSURANCE (212) 596-3500 MR. WESLEY McD. HOLDER WASHINGTON OFFICE: Bouse of Representatives DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE Oe Non) aabeast Washington, B.C. 20515 March 17, 1970 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER Stanford, California 94305 Dear Dr. Lederberg: Thank you for your letter of March 3, 1970. I am not the only Member of Congress who has discussed the need for abortion repeal, but I am one of the very few who has spoken about it. Representative Spark Matsunaga of Hawaii and Senator Robert Packwood of Oregon have both introduced abortion repeal bills. I am hopeful that other Legislators will begin to speak out and take a stand. Cordially, ye a SHIRLEY CHISHOLM, M. C. SC:pb