State Representative COMMITTEES RICHARD D. LAMM Member of: 2500 So, Logan Education Denver, Colorado 80210 Finance RESTO 12 Judiciary HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES THE STATE OF COLORADO DENVER February 26, 1970 vr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 Dear Or. Lederbera: I walked our of Federal District Court last week, where in final argument I had cited Dr. Joshua Lederberg (I'm chief trial counsel in a conservation attempt to ston the A.E.C.‘'s Project Rulison) to find your letter. I am honored. I enclose some legislation, sneeches and articles which reflect my thinking along with some newspaper accounts of the battle going on here in Colorado. I do not presume to have a solution, I propose only a few unoriginal haltina steps in the right direction. The question whether we must ultimately go to “qovernmental controls’ , to my mind is largely acad- emic. They are not now within the realm of the possible. Al Smith, one of the world's most practical politicians, once said ' a politician can't be so far ahead of the band he can't hear the music” That might be the ultimate traaedy of the commons. Thus to the extent that population control is a political produce and purchased on the political marketplace, we must (now) talk “disincen- tives”. This may not be enough to save the species, but it is a current political reality. To come out for anything stronger, however necessary, would (now) not only not help - it may be counterproductive. I am preparing a series of bills on disincentives which will help serve as an educational devise toward the necessity of two child families. They include in addition to H.B. 1087, a bonus for welfare and other non-taxpayers, and certain other attempts to initiate a state policy toward small families. I will forward them to you when vrepared. Page Two Dr. Joshua Lederberg February 26, 1970 Senator Packwood (Oreqon) introduced a similar disincentive bill in the U.S. Senate yesterday. He suaqgested exemptions for three natural children, which while it stays closer to political safety does not deal with the unpopular yet inevitable problem of the "third" child. We can avoid the problem no longer - if the third child is not made a faux pas in this generation, it will be made illegal in the next. I enclose a copy of a statement to other politicians which I hope will have some dramatic educational effect. I welcome your comments. Yours truly, ae —_ . ° ~ ) Dolan, Richard D. Lan, RDL:q] State Representative Enclosures