ELECTRIC , EM COMPANY CENTER FOR 816 STATE ST., P. O. DRAWER QQ, SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA 93102 . . . TEL. (805) 965-0551 ADVANCED STUDIES 12 February 1970 Mr. Joshua Lederberg - Department of Newrelegy Crrutes Stanford University Palo Alto, California Dear Mr. Lederberg: Your column on ''overbreeding" that appeared in the February 7 Washington ''Post'', mentioning Judy Blake, stressed an important point too often overlooked. Every parental couple wants for itself more children — a larger completed family size — than all other parents should have in the best interests of each couple. Hence some government set of incentives on parents, through various bonuses and penalties (financial), is ultimately inevitable. Enclosed are two items that may be useful to you. "The Economics of Having Children" is the one most relevant to your recent article. The other is a result of an AID project. Incidentally, on April 29 the National Academy of Engineers will be having its annual meeting in Washington, with a major session on world population problems no less. Hope you do some more columns on population, O Sincérely. C— — oo Stephen Enke, Manager Economic Development Programs SE/hh Enclosures: ''The Economics of Having Children" "Birth Control for Economic Development" ( Main inhibition is perplexity what useful to say. Thank you for the reprints, and please do keep ,me on your mailing list. Wave you te9)9 . resp@nded to Leibenstein's criticisms (Top. Stud., 235:161 169)? Thahk you, BRANCH OFFICES: HONOLULU, HAWAII; SILVER SPRING, MD.; WASHINGTON, D.C.