“ e . .. TX i MEMO.:-ROM_ TO: Tf Simon Rc i J. LEDERBERG | CENETICS DEPARTMENT RO ' STAN’ ORD UNIVERSITY STANFORD, CALIFORNIA de: Pill // OULLOOK How about oy Hertz vs. Curl Djerassi (not exactly versus) to comment in their own words about pill, like Jukes/wurster on pol Herte will already have put down his testimony for the Nelson committee; Ujerassi nas some thoupht-provoking counmentary on the further issues in the attached, i } A , Pte tren, Le aly. . © Ai - + J think the rational conclusion is that oral-contraceptive research will have to be moved bodily to: centers in the underxdevelopec countries themeelves, so that "products in- vented there" will diffuse hack here, not be "pushed" at them by economic imperialists , This will require both commercial and govtl. Support for such programs abroad. pe P.S. If you were to publish this dialogue Z could more comfortably criticize Djerass!s position while still declaring my close personal ties to him.