MEMO FROM TO: TX J. LEDERBERG oo RC GENETICS DEPARTMENT JJ G MeCue RO STANFORD UNIVERSITY STANFORD, CALIFORNIA GLB8 FEB: 7 1970 Thank you for your conments. Tohave been surprised too at how little has heen written ahoul insurance & tort-liability as a mechanism of social-cngineering. Ken irrew (now at Harvard, and as you know one of the country's leading economists) recently wrote a short hook on trisk! where be comucnts that this is a totally unexplored field as far ris fads discipline is concerned -- and procecds “~ Ye to bud what Eo must counent is a tetally inad- e yuate model, I do have a few more references tiat Tam in the inidst of reading now; and Chauncey Starr is leading a study tor the NAw on risk assess~ ment (that is fenlted by isnorine the cost of ignorance and uneertainty. ) r fo think that Haasachusetts is (nearly?) anique in hoving a flatly comnulsory insurance law. To do remeber reading sowe discussion years ago that this would reieire excessive regula- tion of the insurance industry with the kind & of restriction vou mention. IT will have to ' freedom of judenent in other states -- Put T note that diserinina- being setoup in seme circu loo. inta the companies tory rates are stances, Throw me any more tumens you mteht find, apd wil T Tohe erate ful. “incerely, ra fiat Fi — WSs be VES ed's... Eve: Faces