BOB MONAGAN ALBERT J. LIPSON CHIEF CONSULTANT TO THE ASSEMBLY 445-4651 California Degislature Assrubly General Research Conunitive Room 320, STATE CAPITOL December 19, 1969 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Genetics Department Stanford University Stanford, California Dear Doctor Lederberg: Thanks for your note. I hope the following infor- mation is useful to you: l. Both Assemblyman Peter F. Schabarum (R. Covina) and Senator John Nejedly (R. Contra Costa) have announced plans to introduce legislation that would end leading of gasoline. Schabarum is Chairman of the Assembly Subcom- mittee on Air Pollution. His committee will come up with a series of proposals to tighten air pollution control legislation. 2. Assemblyman Victor Veysey (R. Brawley) has announced plans to tax automobiles based upon the amount of pollution produced. I'm not sure about the immediate technological feasibility of implementing this proposal in- asmuch as we apparently don't have a simple acceptable device which measures exhaust emissions. 3. You ask why not tax lead in gas? It would seem we would be better off to ban it. The auto industry now supports this. If we tax it, it means in principle that it is okay to pollute if you pay to do it. As to the principle, I'd rather ban activities that should be banned and, if justified, pay subsidies to those who suffer severe economic consequences because of necessary prohibition in the public interest. 4. I understand we have adopted some regulations which tighten up on transportation of hazardous substance and will send you the specifics as soon as I receive them. Sincerely, Albert J. Lipson Chief Consultant AJL:1lhs to the Assembly