STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 ¢ (415) 821-1200 Sranrorp UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Department of Genetics Dear Dr. Starr: href CLD p ve pa ett, I had thought and written,at some length about the issues raised in your letter of December 4; then, when it came time to meet my column dead- line, I found I had little else on my mind. I must be apologetic if any of this is offensive for being shared with a not very large reading public; certainly this was not my intention. I must,however, admit to being somewhat upset by the possible mischief of playing the game you did with your modeln of nuclear safety. ("Widgets" might have been less troublesome.) However, I will also admit that may own opinions, and information, are still in a formative stage. 1 (x. . afi Evaro) May I nevertheless point to the enclosed critique as an answer to some of your elicitdétens. I would stress; 1) the distortion of the market 2) the cost of insufficient information as matters that deserve moer attention than you gave in your treatment. I would also want to go into other matters like the effect of innovations on institutions which are the most important in the long run. You could then fault me for thé price of inhibiting teehnical progress by exaggerating present risks in particular cases. Rather than go on, let me reply that I would be delighted to spend a day with you and others, preferablg here ar at UCLA rather than a jet-day away. Sinverely, ce. \ é . i y A aa f zi ne Pow et att me pe fee. : Joshua Lederberg ; Note atso Fahne Tyranny of Sell L dvcisions _~ Conte Semper Ve Soe 2h. column of b/fudt/r- _ LT. J. P. KENNEDY, JR. LABORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE, DEDICATED TO RESEARCH IN MENTAL RETARDATION MOLECULAR BIOLOGY HEREDITY NEUROBIOLOGY DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE