UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Bio-Medical Division LAWRENCE RADIATION LABORATORY P. 0. BOX 808 LIVERMORE, CALIFORNIA 94551 November 5, 1969 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Stanford University School of Medicine Department of Genetics Stanford, California 94305 Dear Doctor Lederberg: I am delighted to send you a copy of the paper I gave at the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium last week. It will be published in the proceedings of that Institute in February 1970. Please feel free to criticize, castigate, quote or excerpt any part of this for any purposes you deem useful. i thought it might aiso be of interest to you to have a copy of an earlier publication concerning the chromo- some story in cancer. That work is the basis for some of the numbers quoted in this paper. Perhaps sometime we can get together. I enjoyed your lecture at the Scientist and Social Responsibility course last year very much. Sincerely yours, . 7 a 5 2 uf : ¢ Ok ee Ne Lon sch “lows ——- John Gofman JWG: ms “ ° Fne. 2