she STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER i ' STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 ยข (415) 321-1200 STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE April 9, 1970 Depariment of Genetics Mr. Harry Schwartz The New York Times Times Square New York, New York Dear Harry, I wonder if you would be able to help me straighten out a situation concerning the rights for reprinting the enclosed article I wrote for the Times earlier this year. Very much more as a personal favor to me than for any hope of pecuniary return Current Contents has been reprinting various of my short articles as a way of letting various scientists in various locations have a chance to look at and give me some feedback on my comments. These have, of course, routinely come from the Washington Post (which I would have placed second only to The New York Times as a vehicle for this kind of writing). The question was probably put the yong way but their request for permission to reprint was met by a demand for $100 which is not all that large but is rather above their tolerance for extending themselves on what is essentially my own behalf) I guess I would be willing to pay for this myself out of pocket or as a rebate to The Times but I wonder whether it is really very much of an imposition for me to ask you to smooth the way for a gratuitous approval, by courtesy. The same question is possibly going to come up more seriously during the next year when I assemble my various articles, (and it is to be hoped fer this one also) for a collection in book form. I have an ancient contract with Doubleday that they may renege on if I do not hurry up and put the compilation together. I would hope that would not oppose any equally great difficulties either. I have usually made the rules to reserve rights of republication of such articles and I have exactly this arrangement with the Washington Post. I thought I had included such a reservation in sending my piece to Mr. Lieberman but this must have been an oversight since I can find no record of it. Sincerely yours, Dt. Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics JL/rr LT. J. P. KENNEDY, JR. LABORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE, DEDICATED TO RESEARCH IN MENTAL RETARDATION MOLECULAR BIOLOGY HEREDITY NEUROBIOLOGY DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE